访谈录 2013-02-01&02-03 马特·达蒙占领吉米脱口秀(在线收听

   Could you catch this Matt Damon enlisted as a string of celebrities to take over the Jimmy Kimmel Show of his part of the mock feud that he's been having with Kimmel.

  "Let me ask you guys this, as an audience, is it weird to see a person with actual talent host the show?""I'm very excited to be here obviously. Jimmy has bumped me from his show 1205 times. For 10 years, every night I waited in that green room, and every night, Kimmel says, 'Apoligies to Matt Damon, we run out of time.' I've been waiting for this moment for a long, long time. Every time, I got bumped up on his show, he left a mock. But if you bump a man long enough, a night will come when he bumps you back, and tonight is that night, my friends. I am in command of this ship!"Damon's buddy, Ben Affleck and Robin Williams showed up. Sheryl Crow was the band leader, and Nicole Kidman raised his group to me more, also joined in the band was Robin Williams, and Tonia Kimmel's ex-comedian in X-Overman.