访谈录 2013-04-23&04-25 汤姆·克鲁斯做客鸡毛秀(在线收听

H: You shot this movie in ice land and in space, correct?
T: Yes.
H: Did you do any of your dangerous things like you do when you are on vacation? You must be uninsurable.
T: Yeah, we did do no fun.
H: What did you do?
T: Repounding into a volcano.
H: Really?
T: Yeah. We couldn’t be more different. 
H: I have a series of random lines.
T: Ok.
H: I’d like you read them in a dramatic movie star way.
T: Ok.
H: Is there a way to get the soup and salad?
H: Pardon me.
H: That’s…that’s your line.
T: Is there a way to get the soup and salad?
H: Ok, Ok. Is there a way to get the soup and salad? What is you return policy and… cleaning makers? A jam may get you non-chucks. It’s golf club time.
