

  1. Challenge
  (1) challenge sb to do sth. 向……挑战,邀请……比赛
  例句:They challenge us to a swimming contest.
  (2) accept a challenge 接受挑战
  例句:He bravely accepted the challenge of his career.
  2. Share
  (1) share 部分
  例句:Everybody ought to have his proper share.
  (2) share 参与、贡献
  例句:I had no share in the mater.
  (3) share with/between 分配,共有
  例句:They shared the profits between them.
  I will share with you in the undertaking.
  3. Instead
  (1) instead 代替
  例句:If you cannot go, let him go instead.
  (2) instead of 代替
  例句:I will go instead of you.
  4. Manage
  (1) manage to do 完成,达成
  例句:We finally managed to get there in time.
  (2) manage with 应付困境
  例句:We can't manage with these poor tools.
  How will she manage with her husband gone?
  (3) manage on 生活,过活
  例句:People like Jim have to manage on as little as $75 a week.
  5. Afford
  (1) afford to do 足以承担
  例句:I cannot afford to pay such a high price.
  (2) afford 产生
  例句:Reading affords pleasure.
  6. Rather
  (1) would rather do 宁愿
  例句:He said he would rather stay at home.
  (2) rather than 宁愿
  例句:I had rather dance than eat.
  7. Ever
  (1) ever 曾经
  例句:Have you ever been there?
  (2) ever 究竟
  例句:Why ever didn't you go?
  (3) ever 如果
  例句:If the band ever plays again, we will dance.
  (4)ever so 非常 (=very)
  例句:Thank you ever so much.
  8. Available
  (1) available 通用的,有效的
  例句:The season ticket is available for three months.
  (2) available 可用的,可达到的
  例句:No enough data is available to scientists.
  9. Else
  (1) else 此外,别的
  例句:Where else did you go?
  (2) else 否则,不然
  例句:Hurry, else you'll be late.
  10. Involve
  (1) involve 包括
  例句:Housekeeping involves cooking, washing dishes, sweeping, and cleaning.
  (2) involve 使陷于
  例句:One foolish mistake can involve you in a good deal of trouble.
  (3) involve 使纠缠,使难得
  例句:A sentence that is involved is hard to understand.
  (4) involve 包围
  例句:Clouds involved the hilltop.