
   In these days a such abundance in advancement and what we can do, it pains me to think that we do so little for our children. In some ways, I feel undeserving to receive an award by doing something that is my duty. I accepted this award as a gesture of encouraging from the people of India and a commission to do more for mankind. I love you very much. This is the longest speech. Mohandas Gandhi knew how important bringing the world's attention was to get the freedom for India without using any weapons. In some ways he was the first person to truly understand the importance and power of the public. He has always been an inspiration to me and he gives me even a greater joy and pride to be recognized by his people. I'm here today inspiration from my Hinduja--Mr. Hinduja and your lovely family. I love you very much. We have the same mission to bring the world peace. Kamu and Madonna have created a great show. Manishi thank you for your wonderful costume. I appreciated very much. I love you all. Thank you.

  1. pain
  eg. This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother.
  eg. It pains me to think of you struggling all alone.
  2. in some ways
  eg. In some ways, the official opening is a formality.
  eg. These paintings are in some ways a reminder that earthly pleasures are ephemeral.
  eg. In some ways, we failed to live up to one another's expectations.
  3. sb./sth. is an inspiration
  eg. Powell's unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions.
  eg. She was a great inspiration. She was the person who impressed us with the importance of research.
  eg. What an inspiration she was to all around her!
  迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(1958年8月29日——2009年6月25日),流行乐、摇滚乐、R&B音乐歌手、舞蹈家、演员、编舞、慈善家和唱片制作人。被誉为流行乐之王(King of Pop),是流行乐和流行文化的代表性人物,在20世纪80年代开始的整个现代流行音乐史上缔造了一个时代。他作为主唱和最年轻的成员,1964年首次亮相于The Jackson 5乐队,后来又于1971年成功开始独唱生涯。1979年成年后发行的第1张专辑Off the Wall就被誉为迪斯科音乐经典之作,1982年发行专辑Thriller,融合不同乐迷的需要,不仅突破了种族界限,打破了白人垄断流行音乐界的局面,把当时还处于亚文化的黑人音乐推向主流,为后世的黑人艺人铺下了光明大道。