英伦广角 2013-12-21 戴安娜王妃死因调查结束 未指向谋杀可信证据(在线收听

 Be remembered that we here on Sky News brief story that the metropolitan police. All these years later we are going to investigate the claims made by a former SAS soldier that the SAS, not him, but the SAS had been involved in the killing of Princess Diana on the fatal night, always the 31st in 1997 on the cross of Dodi Al-Fayed. Now the metropolitan police thought this had such credibility at the time. They launched a scooping exercise as they called it basically to review the information. Tonight I can tell you, and this is come from an assistant commissioner Matt Really who's from the Specialist Crime and Operations Division. And Matt says having reviewed relevant records and taken accounts from principal parties, the conclusion the investigative team has reached is while there is a possibility that the alleged comments in relation to the SAS' involvement in the death may have been made. There is no credible or relevant evidence to support the theory that such claims had any basis in fact. Having reviewed the exercise and its findings, I'm satisfied there's no evidential basis upon which therefore to reopen any criminal homicide investigation or refer the matter back to the coroner. So a lot of time, a lot of effort, presumably a lot of taxpayers' money being spent to get this back to where it started which is that this was a terrible accident in Paris.
