名校励志英语演讲 112:21世纪的挑战(6)(在线收听

   Today, technology has made us all virtual neighbors. From laptops to lasers, from microchips to megabytes, an information revolution is lighting the landscape of human knowledge, bringing us all closer together. Ideas, information, and money cross the planet at the stroke of a computer key, bringing with them extraordinary opportunities to create wealth, to prevent and conquer disease, to foster greater understanding among peoples of different histories and different cultures.

  But we also know that this greater openness and faster change mean that problems which start beyond one nations borders can quickly move inside them—the spread of weapons of mass destruction, the threats of organized crime and drug trafficking, of environmental degradation, and severe economic dislocation. No nation can isolate itself from these problems, and no nation can solve them alone. We, especially the younger generations of China and the United States, must make common cause of our common challenges, so that we can, together, shape a new century of brilliant possibilities.
  In the 21st century—your century—China and the United States will face the challenge of security in Asia. On the Korean Peninsula, where once we were adversaries, today we are working together for a permanent peace and a future freer of nuclear weapons.
  克林顿出生于阿肯色州的霍普,然后在温泉城长大。克林顿的本名叫威廉·杰斐逊·布莱斯三世(William Jefferson Blythe III),他的父亲小威廉·杰斐逊·布莱斯是一名推销员,在比尔出生前三个月因车祸去世。比尔出生后,他的母亲弗吉尼亚·德尔·卡西迪独自一人前往新奥尔良学习护理,将比尔留在了开杂货店的外祖父母身边。