
第二部 第六节:三最短文

Jiang calls for strengthened positive role of U. N.


[1] Chinese President Jiang Zemin on Wednesday called for the strengthening of the United Nations’ positive

『积极的;确定的;实在的』role, and the defense of the world body’s authority, in the new century. In a

speech delivered『发表;讲;宣布』at the U. N. Millennium Summit『千年首脑会议』, Jiang said that the

organization’s “positive role must be strengthened and not weakened and its authority defended and not


[2] “We must firmly defend the purposes and principles of the U. N. Charter, continue to give play to 『发

挥』the positive role of the U. N. and its Security Council in handling international affairs and

safeguarding world peace, and ensure all the member States have their right to participate in『参加;参与』

world affairs on an equal footing『立足处;立足点』, ” he stressed.




[1] 星期五,在联合国千年首脑会议上,中国国家主席江泽民发表演讲,要求加强联合国在新世纪的积极作用,捍卫这个世


[2] 他还强调说:“我们必须坚决捍卫联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,在处理国际事务中,继续发挥联合国以及安理会的积极作

