CCTV9英语新闻:《舌尖上的中国》第二季将播 深夜“诱惑”继续上演(在线收听

The second season of a wildly popular documentary series produced by CCTV has returned to the airwaves. It’s called "A bite of China" and began airing on Friday. When its first season was broadcast in May 2012, it became a hit by striking a chord with viewers, with a topic near and dear to people’s hearts: food. So what gourmet foods will the show be covering this time? And what new technologies will the film makers implement to keep audiences amazed?


It’s all about Chinese food culture....


And it’s made by the country’s best directors, three of whom have won international documentary awards..


But for them, "taking a bite of China" is a gruelling project.


Deng Jie, director of second season of "A Bite of China", said, "Every minute of the video you see is edited out of 150 minutes of footage. And it’s not only that. Our chief director often gave us dozens of suggestions for revisions. It was torture."


But it’s this torture that has made this season’s breakthroughs possible.


The crew has for the first time used self-made macro lenses during their filming.


And the story telling digs deeper into the relationship between food and people..


Chen Xiaoqing, chief director of second season of "A Bite of China", said, "There were children from single parent families, and students applying to art academies...This time we look at these people from the angle of food. Food is our starting point, but not our finishing line. Our goal is to bring more understanding about Chinese people, through food."


A bite of China first hit the air in May 2012 on CCTV’s mandarin channel.


Thirty of the country’s most respected filmmakers worked for more than a year filming the seven 50-minute episodes.


Soon after the series hit the airwaves, China’s microblogging site Weibo began stirring with excitement.


Many praised the series, saying how the show made them salivate or had them longing for the foods of their childhood.


One user wrote: "The tastes of home, memories of childhood, joys of work and vision of life, I was moved by each simple story.


This season includes eight episodes and will cover the stories of more than 150 people, and over 300 types of food.
