6-6 6月21日——仲夏节(在线收听

June 21 -- Midsummer


Midsummer was the festival throughout most of England, most of Scotland, Shetland1, and the Orkneys2. Fires, dancing, games, and various shenanigans3 involving fertility were the general rule on this “longest day of the year.” The passing centuries took their toll4 on this once-majestic occasion. By the 1680s, British folklorist John Aubrey5 reported that “still in many places... they make fires on the hills: but the Civil Warres6 have put all these rites or customs quite out of fashion7.”


Millennia8 ago, Stonehenge’ s9 anonymous builders no doubt celebrated their own midsummer rites among the stones. More recently a British group called the Ancient Order of Druids10, founded in 1781 by a carpenter named Hurle, instituted an annual June 21 ceremony at the site. The latter-day11 Druid rite, which attracted huge crowds, entailed12 a bread-and-wine sacrament13, candles, bells, incense, and white-and-purple-surpliced14 priests who shared wine from a silver cup as the midsummer sunbeams crept portentously15 across the old stones as in times of yore16. The Stonehenge rite was a local staple for many decades. In the mid-1980s, vandalism17 and unruly spectators imperiled18 the ritual’s future.



1.Shetland [5FetlEnd] = Shetland Islands 设得兰群岛 [英国苏格兰北部]

2.Orkneys [5R:knis] = Orkney Islands 奥克尼群岛 [英国苏格兰北部]

3.shenanigan [FE5nAni^En] n.〈美口〉[常作~s]胡闹淘气恶作剧

4.take one's toll 造成损失或危害、伤亡等

5.John Aubrey 约翰·奥布里16261697英国文物收藏研究家、作家、皇家学会会员以为同时代人撰写传记小品而闻名

6.Civil Warres = Civil War英国内战1642164616481652英国议会与保皇党人之间的内战

7.out of (the) fashion 不合时尚

8.millennium [mi5leniEm] [] millennian. 千年

9.Stonehenge [5stEunhendV] n. 巨石阵(英国南部索尔兹伯里附近的一处史前巨石建筑遗址)

10.Druid [5dru:id] n. 德鲁伊特(古代克尔特人中一批有学识的人,担任祭司、教师和法官或当巫师、占卜者等)

11.latter-day [5lAtE5dei] a. 近代的后来的

12.entail [in5teil] vt. 使成为必要需要

13.sacrament [5sAkrEmEnt] n. [] 圣餐圣餐面包和酒

14.surpliced [5s\:plist] a. 穿白法衣的穿白袈裟的white-and-purple-surpliced穿紫白相间法衣的

15.portentously [pC:5tentEsli] ad. 奇特地令人惊讶地

16.yore [jC: (r)] n.〈书〉昔日往昔

17.vandalism [5vAndEliz(E)m] n. 故意毁坏文物的行为

18.imperil [im5peril] vt. 使陷于危险,危及







