9-7 见证西班牙斗牛(在线收听

An Experience of Watching a Bullfight in Spain


We were staying at one of the nicest resort hotels we could find in the south of Spain. We noticed bullfight posters all over town, but didn't pay much attention to them. Finally the man at the hotel reception asked us if we would like to see the most famous woman bullfighter in the world. She was to fight this coming Sunday. So, we bought tickets, and they weren't cheap either, about 150.00 each. Of course we bought front row seats figuring that if we were going to see a real bullfight once, we should see it right.


The beginning of the fight was colorful and festive. Everyone paraded1 out. I had my telephoto lens2 and immediately got a good picture of the famous lady bullfighter. The procession was led by two young girls riding beautiful Andalusian horses. We particularly enjoyed this as we had owned Andalusian horses ourselves. The parade continued on for several minutes and we got to see everyone that was going to participate in the event.


When the ring was empty, a trumpet3 played that familiar tune. Then a door opened directly across the ring from us and a bull came out of a dark tunnel. They must have done something to him because he was pissed4. He charged around the ring as the crowd yelled and clapped. There were others dressed in matador costumes that jumped out and taunted5 the bull. They would then jump behind a barrier to escape the bull's charge.


After a short time, Christina Sanchez came out and performed the traditional waving of the cape to attract the bull, then stepping aside at the last moment. This is what we always think of bullfighting. There were two different performers this Sunday, but Christina Sanchez was definitely the favorite. Christina worked the bull for a few minutes. Then some other guy came out and stuck four colorful sticks in the back of the bull’s neck. The practice is not always successful and matadors might need to do it many times.


A little later, two huge, heavily padded6 draft horses7 came out. As soon as the bull saw the horses, he began to charge again. The rider of each horse carried an 8-foot pole with a silver point in the end, and poked a huge hole in the back of the bull’s neck. As soon as this was done, the horses would leave the ring. Now the bull was bleeding profusely8. Again the matadors would tease9 him relentlessly. By this time, the bull was plenty tired and often would have to be prodded10 to go after the matador's cape. For a time, the bull was so weak that he would collapse. One time the bull just laid down. He would not get up so a bunch of guys ran into the ring to poke at him and bend his tail to get him up. Finally he did get up.


This seemed to be the most proud time for the matador. With the bull completely broken down, Christina showed us how brave she was, by kneeling down in front of the bull. At a later point in time, when the bull could hardly stand up, it was time for the kill. The matador stood there proudly, sword in hand, poised11 to make the kill. Then Christina lunged at the half dead bull with a three-foot long sword. Rarely would matadors get the sword in on the first attempt. This Sunday afternoon, they killed 6 bulls. Only Christina killed the bull without several tries. After the bull was killed, a guy would run out and cut off both of the bull’s ears. Patiently a team of horses waited to drag the dead bull out of the ring.


After it was all over, both of us felt very despondent12 instead of excited. Is this some sort of sport? An art form? We couldn't believe the barbaric13 nature of the event. There was no respect for the bull, and certainly no consideration for the pain the bull was in. We both agreed we were glad to have had the experience, but also agreed that we had both lost our respect for those that would enjoy such an event.



1. parade [pE5reid] vi. 队列行进

2. telephoto [5teli5fEutEu] a. 摄远的,远距照相的;~lens摄远镜头

3. trumpet [5trQmpit] n. 小号,号角,喇叭

4. pissed [pist] a. [英俚] 恼火的,厌烦的

5. taunt [tC:nt] vt. 逗弄,嘲弄

6. pad [pAd] vt. 包护垫于

7. draft horse = draughthorsen. 役马

8. profusely [prEJ5fjU:sli] ad. 大量地,极充分地

9. tease [ti:z] vt. 戏弄,逗弄

10. prod [prCd] vt. 刺激,惹起

11. poised [pCizd] a. 镇定的,作好准备的

12. despondent [dis5pCndEnt] a. 沮丧的,泄气的,失望的

13. barbaric [bB:5bArik] a. 野蛮的,半开化的












