News Spotlight (4)(在线收听

News Spotlight (4)


News 1: 政治

In Canada, Quebec's pro-independence party has suffered a 1)setback. Partial results show the Party Quebecois has lost its bid for a third straight term in the 125-member National Assembly. Incomplete results also show Liberal Party candidates winning 65 races and leading eight others. Election observers predicted that a win for the Parti Quebecois would lead to another 2)referendum on independence. A 1995 referendum, to separate French-speaking Quebec from the rest of Canada, failed by less than a percentage point.


News 2: 政治

An Argentine lawyer, Luis Moreno Ocampo, has been appointed as the first 3)prosecutor of the new 4)International Criminal Court. Mr. Moreno Ocampo made his name in the 1980's when he helped prosecute the former leaders of Argentina's military government for human rights abuses.


News 3: 经济

Phillip Morris got a partial 5)reprieve when an Illinois judge cut in half the amount of money that the nation's biggest cigarette maker must 6)come up with to begin appealing a 10.1 billion dollar 7)verdict. The judge ordered the tobacco giant to deposit six billion dollars in 8)escrow to begin its appeal. The company had previously faced paying a 12 billion dollar appeal bond.

Now the accounting 9)probe into HealthSouth could widen beyond the nine former executives who reached 10)plea agreements with the government, The Wall Street Journal, reporting that additional plea agreements could be reached by the middle of the week. Meantime, the 11)hearing on whether to unfreeze former Chairman and CEO Richard Scrushy's assets continuing in Birmingham.

Some big changes at the company formerly known as Worldcom. The second-largest U.S. long-distance company, is 12)dumping its name for a familiar one, M.C.I., and it will also shift its headquarters from Mississippi to Virginia. Worldcom filed for bankruptcy last year amid a growing accounting scandal. Now the company says it will come out of bankruptcy later this year with debt of about four billion dollars. It had more than thirty billion dollars in debt when it filed for 13)Chapter Eleven.


News 4: 科技

History's in the making when an international group of scientists unveiled what's 14)dubbed, "The Book of Life? or the complete map of the human 15)genome. The research is widely expected to revolutionize biology and medicine. The completed map of the human genetic code was finished two years after a rough draft of the code was published. The data, which is said to be 99.9 percent accurate, has been uploaded into a public database for the benefit of all humanity.

Dr. Robert Waterston (International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium): After three billion years of evolution, and several years of work by this 16)coalition, we have before us the instruction set that carries each of us from a one-celled egg, to adulthood, to the grave.

Scientists said that the work done in final year of  sequencing the human genome proved wrong an earlier notion that some human DNA was 17)junk.

Dr. Eric Lander (Whitehead Institute): Even regions that we thought were quite unimportant, we're finding out some of them are perfect duplications that make new copies of existing genes 18)embedded with them, and they become nurseries for new genes.

There are high expectations the complete map of the human genome, will, in future, revolutionize research into preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease from Parkinson's to cancer.


News 5: 社会

Gunmen, armed with an AK-47 rifle and a handgun, had opened fire in yet another high school shooting in the U.S. A fifteen-year-old boy died and three other students were injured in the assault in New Orleans. Two hundred students who were inside a 19)gymnasium had to scramble for cover when the gunmen went on a 20)rampage, apparently targeting the victim in revenge for an earlier shooting. The police arrested four suspects near the scene shortly afterwards.


News 6: 体育

It was a 21)bittersweet 22)sendoff for the retiring Michael Jordan, who played his final home game for the Washington Wizards.

A capacity crowd in Washington, 20,178 people, packed the stadium to watch Michael Jordan's final home game for the Wizards. Jordan, who plans to retire at the end of the season, received the Stars and Stripes flag from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld before the game against the New York Knicks. The Knicks won the contest 93-79, but Jordan will be hoping to end his career on a winning note when the Wizards travel to Philadelphia for their last game of the season.



1 政治


2 政治


    3 经济




    4 科技






5 社会


6  体育


在华盛顿,20178名球迷挤满了体育馆,观看乔丹为奇才队打的最后一场主场比赛。乔丹计划在本季末退出球坛,在这场与纽约尼克斯队对抗的比赛开始之前,他接受了由美国国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德颁发的美国国旗。最终尼克斯队以93: 79打败了奇才队。奇才队将赴费城参加本赛季他们的最后一场比赛,而乔丹也希望这次比赛能为他的职业生涯划上一个完美的句号。



1) setback [5setbAk] n. 挫折,退步

2) referendum [7refE5rendEm] n. 公民投票

3) prosecutor [5prCsikju:tE] n. 检举人

4) International Criminal Court: 国际刑事法庭

5) reprieve [ri5pri:v] n. 缓刑

6) come up with: 赶上,追上

7) verdict [5vE:dikt] n.[](陪审团的)裁决,结论

8) escrow [es5krEu] n. 由第三者保存、待条件完成后即交受让人的契约

9) probe [prEub] v. 探查

10) plea agreement: 又作plea bargain, 意为辩诉协议或辩诉交易,指在检察官签署控诉书之前,作为国家代表的检察官可以同作为被告代表的辩护人就被告是否有罪、所受刑罚的轻重进行交易,达成一个双方都满意的协议,这种协议很容易得到法庭的许可。

11) hearing [5hiEriN] n. 听证会

12) dump [dQmp] v. 抛弃

13) Chapter Eleven: 又称Bankruptcy protection,美国联邦破产法的第11条规定,当一家公司或个人不再有能力向债权人偿还债务,或预计今后也无法偿还时,可申请Chapter 11破产保护。根据规定,债权人不得向受保护公司或个人提出要求还债的诉讼,而公司则可在规定期限内继续营业,并进行整顿。

14) dub [dQb] v. (以某种称号)授与

15) genome [5dVi:nEum] n. 基因组

16) coalition [7kEuE5liFEn] n. 合并,联合

17) junk [dVQNk] n. 垃圾

18) embed [im5bed] v. 使插入,使嵌入

19) gymnasium [dVim5neiziEm] n. 健身房,体育馆

20) rampage [5rAmpeidV] n. 狂暴或激动的行为

21) bittersweet [5bItEswi:t] a. 苦乐参半的

22) sendoff [5sendaJf] n. 送别;起动

