News Spotlight (5)(在线收听

News Spotlight (5)


News 1 政治

The world leaders have begun arriving in France for the G8 Summit. They will be 1)tackling a wide range of global issues, including 2)strained ties between the U.S. and Europe and free trade. President Hu Jintao is leading the Chinese delegation in its first appearance at a meeting of the world’s most powerful nations.

All eyes are on the 3)alpine resort of 4)Evian over the next three days, where world leaders are meeting to discuss key global issues. Topping the agenda is the 5)rift between Washington and Europe as well as ways to boost the global economy and free trade.

Chinese president Hu Jintao is 6)on hand, where he’ll hold informal discussions with G8 leaders and other heads of state to boost cooperation and development. Hu today met his French counterpart Jacques Chirac after arriving by boat from Lausanne Switzerland. State councilor Tang Jiaxuan, who’s part of the Chinese delegation, said the president’s appearance at the summit marks a milestone in China’s status in the international arena.


News 2 经济

The British government says it’s launching a campaign to win over public opinion in favor of the European single currency. The Prime Minister Tony Blair and the 7)Chancellor of the 8)Exchequer Gordon Brown will be holding a joint news conference in Downing Street to try to persuade 9)Britons the euro could be in their patriotic interest. It comes the day after the Chancellor told Parliament the time was not yet right to join the euro, as the economic tests his department has devised before recommending membership has not yet been met. Correspondents say it’s an issue, which has sharply divided not only the British public, but also apparently parts of the government itself.


News 3 经济

Inflation is on the way down in the euro-zone and the President of the European Central Bank Wim Duisenberg predicted that next year the euro-zone’s inflation rate would slip well below the ECB’s target level. Duisenberg repeated the ECB’s 10)assertion that is “saw no indication of deflation or falling prices on the horizon for the euro-zone” but assured his audience that the ECB will remain 11)vigilant against risks of deflation.


News 4 名人

The media 12)frenzy generated by U.S. senator Hillary Clinton’s memoirs reached its peak today with the book’s release. Hundreds of eager fans lined up for hours outside a bookstore in New York to get 13)autographed copy.

Critics have 14)likened U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton’s launch of her new book to a rock star on tour. It’s been a whirlwind of television, radio and magazine interviews. And now book signing. Hundreds of fan lined up outside a Manhattan bookstore for an autographed copy of Hillary’s Living History. The book’s publication has again brought into media focus her husband, former President, Bill Clinton’s affair with White House 15)intern Monika Lewinsky. Hillary’s efforts to lay the Lewinsky affair to rest has fuels speculation that she plans to run for President next year. But Hillary has dismissed the idea.

Hillary: I have a wonderful job that I’m very proud to have, which is representing the people of New York in the United State’s senate. And that’s the job I have, and that’s the job I want to continue doing to the best of my ability.

That may have ended the speculation about next year’s presidential race, but some commentators aren’t ruling out a bid for the country’s top post in 2008.


News 5 名人

England soccer captain David Beckham has for the first time hinted that he may leave Premiership champions Manchester United. Beckham told reporters in the United States, that while he would never leave Manchester United at all, his comments 16)heightened speculation that the midfield star is poised to leave the club. However, Beckham is not on AC Milan’s shopping list. Club president Silvio Berlusconi, who is also the Italian Premiere, said Beckham’s 30 million pound price 17)tag is just too expensive.


News 6 司法

A California man is facing federal charges for 18)allegedly 19)diverting Internet traffic away from the Web site belonging to the Arabic language TV network Al-Jazeera. Twenty-four-year-old John Racine of Riverside County is facing charges of wire 20)fraud and unlawful 21)interception of an electronic communication. Prosecutors say Racine sent traffic from Al-Jazeera’s web site to a page that he created 22)depicting the American flag and reading “Let freedom ring.” They say he got the password to the Al-Jazeera site by contacting its web forwarding service and posing as a man authorized to receive the information.


News 7 考古

Now we end tonight with a mummy that a British scientist says is the long lost Egyptian ruler Nefertiti. Doctor Joanne Fletcher used new technology, including a portable digital X-ray machine, to confirm her theory. The remains are that of a young woman with a bent arm and a hand that could have carried a 23)scepter-- usually an indication of kingly power. It’s believed Nefertiti either retired after losing favor with king Akhenaten or died. The mummy was found over a century ago in a small chamber in a tomb built for 24)pharaoh.




1 政治



中国国家主席胡锦涛出席了本次会议,并将与 八国领导人及其他国家元首就推进合作和发展问题举行非正式会谈。胡锦涛主席今天从瑞士洛桑乘船抵达法国后会见了法国总统雅克·希拉克。中国代表团成员、国务委员唐家璇说,中国国家主席参加峰会标志着中国在国际舞台上的地位迈向一个新里程。

2 经济


3 经济


4 名人





5 名人


6 司法


7 考古




1) tackle [5tAkl] v. 着手处理、掌握或解决

2) strain [strein] v. 拉紧,扭歪

3) alpine [5Alpain] a. 高山的

4) Evian: 埃维昂,法国上萨瓦省莱芒湖南岸的一座依山傍水的小城,也是法国著名的旅游胜地

5) rift [rift] n. 分歧,不一致

6) on hand: 到场,在场

7) chancellor [5tFB:nsElE] n. 长官,大臣

8) exchequer [iks5tFekE] n. (常大写)财务部

9) Briton [5britEn] n. 不列颠人,英国人

10) assertion [E5sE:FEn] n. 断言,声明

11) vigilant [5vidVilEnt] a. 警惕着的

12) frenzy [5frenzi] n. 狂暴

13) autograph [5C:tE^rB:f] v. 亲笔签名

14) liken [5laikEn] v. 把……比作

15) intern [in5tE:n] n. 实习医师

16) heighten [5haitn] v. 提高,升高

17) tag [tA^] n. 标签

18) allegedly [E5ledVIdlI] adv. 依其申诉

19) divert [di5vE:t] v. 使偏离,使转向

20) fraud [frC:d] n. 欺骗

21) interception [7intE(:)5sepFEn] n. 中途夺取,拦截,侦听

22) depict [di5pikt] v. 描述,描写

23) scepter [5septE] n.节杖,王权

24) pharaoh [5fZErEu] n. 法老王


