Car Speeding(在线收听

Car Speeding


Jason has always loved driving fast and living on the edge. Even as a young man growing up in Vancouver, Canada, he was a risk taker.

Journalist: You did 1)extreme things. I mean, you bungee jumped and you had motorcycles, and you were always a 2)daredevil, were you not?

Jason: Yes. I was always, you know, when I was 16 everyone else got a car, I got a motorcycle. I just wanted to live every minute. I was a 3)rugby player, I was a 4)hockey player. I love to challenge myself. And I love to compete, and I just love all that.

And from his earliest years, Jason loved another risky business, acting. His big break came at just 21 years old on Beverly Hills 90210. But he was also still involved in car racing.

"You don’t get to drive those cars just because you’re famous. You get to drive those cars because you are a racecar driver.”         

---Jason Priestly

And he didn’t just race cars. Jason’s thrill seeking extended to piloting 50-foot Cigarette Boats in dangerous ocean races. Jason has 5)crashed or spun out several times on the car 6)racetrack and once in a boat race, his 7)restlessness turned to 8)recklessness in a Los Angeles neighborhood.

Journalist: So if I say to you, are you a daredevil, what do you say?

Jason: No, I don’t think so. I don’t think that I’m a daredevil. I think that I like to challenge myself.

Journalist: But you’ve had three accidents, two in cars and one in a boat. Right?

Jason: Sure.

Journalist: Don’t say sure, doesn’t everybody, I mean. You’re a little accident-prone, maybe.

Jason: No, I don’t think I’m accident-prone. I think anytime you’re competing like that, whether you’re racing cars or you’re racing boats, you know, I think that incidents happen. Unfortunately me being me, you just heard about it.

Journalist: Sure. Were you ever tempted or are you tempted now to quit racing?

Jason: There was a time right after the accident where had you asked me that question I would have said, “Yeah, I’m all done. I’ll never race again.” But as the months go on and as the memory of what had happened 9)recedes, you know, I start thinking about getting back into a racecar.

Journalist: Oh, Jason!

Jason: But I’m, you know, I don’t want to do anything that’s going to 10)jeopardize my ability to work as an actor. Because you know as much as I love racecar driving, I love being an actor.

Journalist: The devil is not racing cars for you, is he? You may indeed get in that car again.

Jason: Yeah. Do you see the smile that put on my face just thinking about driving a racecar?
























1) extreme [iks5tri:m] a. 极端的

2) daredevil [5dZE7devl] n. 铤而走险的人

3) rugby [5rQ^bi] n. 橄榄球

4) hockey [5hCki] n. 马球

5) crash [krAF] v. 碰撞,撞击

6) racetrack [5reistrAk] n. 跑道

7) restlessness [5restlisnis] n. 不安宁

8) recklessness [5reklisnis] n. 鲁莽

9) recede [ri5si:d] v. 后退

10) jeopardize [5dVepEdaiz] v. 危害


