Donald Trump, The Master of the Deal(在线收听

Donald Trump, The Master of the Deal

The institutions that finance what I have, they happen to be in love with Donald Trump, but they’re not in love with me because I’m a 1)nice guy or anything. They’re in love with me because everything I’ve done has been a tremendous winner.
-- Donald Trump

For the last two decades, the name Donald Trump has become almost 2)synonymous with the New York City 3)skyline. And as the 1990s headed to the end of the millennium, he was there adding one of his latest Trump triumphs. It was almost as big as his ego. It was his latest deal. He had taken control of the old Gulf and Western Building and 4)turned it around. He gave it the Trump touch of gold, crystal and a skin of gleaming glass. He has taken over the 5)penthouse for himself and his family. From there, they can look out over the city he has conquered. 

It wasn’t easy. Donald Trump was born across the East River in the Borough of Queens, into a middle-class family. When he graduated from the New York Military Academy in 1964, there were a lot of opportunities opening up for him.

May 4th, 1975, is a milestone in the life of Donald Trump’s deal-making. He called a press conference to announce that he had made a deal with the Hyatt chain to go into a partnership to rebuild the old Commodore. That was only part of his amazing deal. This unknown, 6)untried dealmaker applied for and received a 40-year tax 7)abatement from the City. Then, with Hyatt and the City in his corner, he made deals with banks and a prestigious private investment company, to give him 8)hefty loans. He still wasn’t finished. He then persuaded the City to accept his plan to cover the old concrete 9)facade of the Commodore with gleaming glass. The first master deal of his life became a whirlwind of successful negotiations, a pattern for the rest of his life.

His whirlwind behavior carried over to his romantic life. The stylish woman who had captivated the playboy was Ivana Zelnicek Skoumalova Vinclomeir. She was an Olympic skier from Czechoslovakia, via Canada, where she had become a top fashion model. She had moved to New York after meeting Donald in Canada, and ten months later they were married in Marble Collegiate Church, where some of New York’s social 10)elite have said their vows for generations. They moved into a modern apartment overlooking Central Park. Donald had high regard for Ivanna’s taste in decorating, so he put her in charge of the interior design of the Hyatt Hotel. It took two years, but in September of 1980, the first major deal of his life finally became a 11)going concern. The Grand Hyatt Hotel opened its doors for business. 

The Grand Hyatt was just the beginning. While getting ready for the hotel’s grand opening, Donald Trump was involved already in his next deal, the biggest one so far. He bought the property next to Tiffany’s on New York’s 12)swanky Fifth Avenue. But more than that, he got the 13)air rights over the prestigious jewelry store. Air rights may not mean much anywhere else, but in crowded Manhattan, the right to build straight up is pure gold. Now, not just his presence but his name would tower over the city. Construction began on what he 14)dubbed “The Trump Tower”, a sixty-eight story building, the tallest residential concrete-walled building in Manhattan. 

Billions of dollars come and go, but Donald Trump has never lost his billion-dollar ego. Getting back operating control of his casinos has given him the cash flow to remain a major player in New York and Atlantic City, and he probably will never have trouble finding 15)backers. 

Cindy Adams (Columnist): He’s not purporting to be Mother Teresa. He is not purporting to be anything beyond what he is. He is what he is! He’s a high-class, 16)Wharton-educated, brilliant 17)conman. And I think he’s the best at it. 

Con man or master of the deal, where does he go from here?

Trump: First New York. Next, the world!

1) nice guy: trump 在非正式语中有“好人,好汉”的意思
2) synonymous [si5nCnimEs] a. 同义词的
3) skyline [5skailain] n.(建筑物、高山等在天空映衬下的)空中轮廓线
4) turn around 完全改变
5) penthouse  [5penthaus] n.(豪华的)顶层公寓
6) untried [5Qn5traid] a. 未经检查的;未试过的
7) abatement [E5beitmEnt] n. 消除
8) hefty [5hefti] a. 相当大(或多)的
9) facade [fE5sB:d] n.(建筑物的)正面,临街正面
10) elite [ei5li:t] n. [法] 精华,中坚分子
11) going concern 开张营业的商行;营业发达的商行
12) swanky [5swANki] a. 奢华的
13) air right(土地、不动产上面的)空间所有权
14) dub [dQb] v. 授予称号
15) backer [5bAkE] n. 支持者
16) Wharton 即Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院),20世纪60年代,特朗普在那里学习商务。
17) conman [5kCnmEn] n. 骗子






