Little Brains Big Research(在线收听

Little Brains Big Research


The roots of empathy


One Meltzoff experiment, with 18-montholds, demonstrated how babies understand other people’s intentions. The babies watched adults try to pull apart a toy that had secretly been glued shut. Given the same toy, but not glued, the babies completed the task. Those elements, Meltzoff says, are the roots of empathy.


“Human beings are special in the animal kingdom, because we feel empathy for one another and have a theory of mind that says we believe other people have beliefs, thoughts, intentions, emotions, desires that are like mine but not the same. The moral implications of this are profound. That person is thought to be like me. If they act like me, have feelings like me, then maybe they should be treated like I want to be treated.”


Parenting advice


So how can parents ensure their babies are making the most of their baby years? Kuhl and Meltzoff say to do what you naturally do: Talk, coo, play and cuddle with your baby in a loving way. For human beings, nurturing comes naturally.


“When you watch parents in relaxed settings, they do the right things,” Kuhl says. “Motherese falls off their tongues.”


Implications for language learning


Scientists are still years away from bridging baby-brain research and the classroom, Kuhl says. However research already suggests it might be more effective to teach foreign language in preschool, when children’s brains are most impressionable, than in high school, when language is traditionally taught. I-LABS hopes to fund a longitudinal study to see what factors in infancy affect learning as children grow.


“Scientists do research on questions that matter so they can use it when sculpting policies that will help children,” Meltzoff says. “At a certain point we get to the water’s edge and we hand off to the politicians.”


After that, what happens in adult society may be just as complex, but not nearly as wondrous, as the inner workings of the tiniest minds.

Vocabulary Focus

implication (n) [7impli5keiFEn] something that is not said but understood as a natural consequence of something else

profound (adj) [prE5faund] felt or experienced strongly; extreme

impressionable (adj) [im5preFEnEb(E)l] very easily influenced by people around one or by what one is told


Specialized Terms

coo (v) 呢喃轻声柔语 to speak or make sounds in a soft, gentle or loving way

motherese (n) 母性语言 a pattern of speech used by parents or others when communicating with young children, particularly infants, usually consisting of simplified vocabulary, melodic pitch, and a slow or deliberate tempo

longitudinal study (n) 长期的研究 a research method in which a subject is studied over an extended period of time, usually to discern patterns or identify changes












卡尔认为,科学家距离将婴儿智力研究衔接到课堂教育这一步尚远。不过研究已显示,相对于传统上在高中时教授外语,若在学前即教授,可能更有效果,因为此时儿童的脑子最易受到影响。I-LABS 希望资助一个长期的研究计划,以了解随着儿童成长,影响其学习的婴儿期因素为何。   


