

New Smart Toilet to Prevent Water Pollution in Disaster Areas 灾区设新式智能卫生间防止水污染


The destruction of sanitary systems by war or natural disasters can aggravate the initial tragedy, causing disease and prolonged risk of death among survivors. Very often after a disaster, survivors dig holes in the ground that serve as makeshift toilets. Pathogens from the human waste can reach sources of water and cause outbreaks of cholera and other diseases. A United Nations team is now developing a smart toilet for disaster areas, designed to protect the sanitation chain and prevent water pollution.

华盛顿 — 受到战争或自然灾害破坏的卫生系统会加剧自发性惨案的发生,使得幸存者感染疾病及增加死亡风险。通常灾难过后,幸存者会在地面挖洞当作临时卫生间。人类排泄物中的病原菌可以感染水源并引起霍乱和其他疾病的爆发。联合国的一个团队目前正在开发一种灾区用的智能卫生间,用来保护环境卫生链并防止水污染。

The experimental project, called eSOS, is lightweight and runs on solar power. Damir Brdjanovic and his team of scientists at UNESCO's Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands say it is designed to bring disaster relief into the 21st century.


"The eSOS, which stands for Emergency Sanitation Operation System, is a holistic approach to the emergency sanitation. It involves several components - eSOS smart toilet, smart transport, and dislodging of each toilet unit, and centralized treatment of feces and urine and the safe disposal of materials, like dry sludge, which is pathogen-free, and the clean water which can be reused further in the system," said Brdjanovic.

卫生工程学教授达米尔·布加诺维科博士说: “eSOS全称为紧急卫生操作系统,可以全方位应对紧急卫生状况。它包含几个部分:eSOS智能卫生间、智能运输、可移除卫生间设备、排泄物集中处理、无菌物质如干污泥的无害化、以及可循环利用的净水。”

The lightweight system is easily transported to disaster zones, but what makes it unique is that it's designed to deal with the entire emergency sanitation chain and minimize the threat to public health.


The eSOS system contains “smart” features, such as an energy supply unit, a GPS sensor, and a monitor that keeps track of waste accumulation. All of this data from the toilet system can be transferred to an emergency co-ordination center so that officials can better determine the needs of an affected area. It also can re-cycle urine into irrigation water with the help of membrane bio-reactors.


"We can treat all liquid waste, coming from the sludge treatment and from urine, into membrane bio-reactors. It's a novel technology which will treat liquid part to the level that you can even at the end, with some disinfection, have re-use of water for either toilet use or irrigation, horticulture, or any other purpose that you can imagine in a refugee camp," said Brdjanovic.

布加诺维科博士说: “我们可以把所有来自污泥处理和尿液的液体垃圾引入膜生物反应器。这种新型科技对液体垃圾进行消毒,最终转化为可平衡分配的再利用水,用于卫生间、灌溉、园艺或其他难民营需要的地方。”

The toilet is still in the testing phase and will be deployed at a camp for disaster victims in the Philippines later this year. Its developers hope this smart disaster relief will save lives and the dignity of refugees.

