step by step 第一册 lesson 5(在线收听

UNIT 3 MEETING STRANGERS Lesson 5 Part ⅠWarming-up Exercises

Lesson 5

Part   Warming-up Exercises

A Sentence Structure

Directions: Listen carefully. Draw a circle around the letter beside the sentence you hear.

1aI've caught a fish.                                   2aGreen is the colour.

bI've cooked the fish.                             bGreen is the caller.

cI've got a fish.                                     cGreen is the cooler.

3aIs she going to go?                                  4aWhat do you want?

bIs he going to go?                                bWhich do you want?

cIs  it  going  to snow?                      cWho do you want?

5aHe was in a phone box.                            6aIs that true?

b She was in a phone box.                     bIs that two?

cJean was in a phone box.                      cIs that you?

7aThey cost double.                                   8aSchool starts at 8:45

                                                               in the morning.

bThey caused trouble                             bSchool starts at 8:35

                                                               in the morning.

cThey called Bumble.                             cSchool starts at 8:55

                                                               in the morning.

9aWhere are you going to stay?

bWhen are you going to Spain?

cWhere are you going to study?

10aA cousin of mine went to Spain last year.

bA cousin and I  went to Spain last year.

cA cousin of mine worked in Spain last year.


B Difficult Sentences

Directions: You are going to hear some sentences chosen from the comprehension material in this lesson.  Complete the sentences with  what you hear on the tape.

1----Goodness me! ____is very good.

       ----I wouldn't say that. There's still ____for me ____.

2I hope you'll also____ in England.

Lesson 5 Part Ⅱ Next-Door Neighbours

Part Next-Door Neighbours


Choose a, b, or c to complete each statement.

1 Mr. Taylor and Mr. Bennett are on a

 aship.                               bbus.                           cplane.

2Mr. Taylor is going to

 aAmerica.                         bHampstead.                cEngland.

3 Both Mr. Taylor and Mr. Bennett live in

 a America.                       b London.                   c Hampshire.

4Mr. Taylor and Mr. Bennettnext-door neighbours.

 aaren't                              bare                             cwere

5They  are

 arelatives.                          bgood friends.              c strangers.

Lesson 5 Part Ⅲ On A London Bus

Part   On A London Bus


Write down the questions you hear on the tape. Then give brief answers to the questions. The number in brackets indicates the number of words to be used.










A: _________________________________________(2)
