
   “Do you know where the police office is?”

  “I don’t know.”
  “Do you know how I can contact a policeman?”
  “I don’t know.”
  “Do you know other ways to say ‘I don’t know’?”
  “I don’t know.”
  有时候我们总会感叹,这个世界带给我们的问题太多,知道的东西总比不知道的少。或许I don’t know已经成了你日常用语频率最高的话之一,但是你甘愿一直这样I don’t know下去吗?
  等等,别以为华生会把你变成全知的神。不过,我的确有一个办法让你不再一直说“I don’t know”,那就是教你如何变着法子说I don’t know。
  例:“When do you have to submit this essay?” “Dunno. I can’t remember.”
  2. I have no idea
  例:“What time does the film start?” “I have no idea. Why don’t you call the cinema?”
  3. How should I know?
  例:You ask me where your pen is, how should I know?
  4. Don’t ask me
  例:“What time did she say she was catching her train?” “Don’t ask me. I’m always the last to know.”
  5. Search me
  例:“Why didn’t he ask you for the keys?” “Search me. I’m not a mind reader”
  6. Who knows?
  例:“Will they ever find the missing aircraft?” “Who knows? The search been going on for such a long time now.”
  7. It’s anyone’s guess
  例:How will the situation develop from here? It's anyone’s guess.
  8. Your guess is as good as mine
  例:“Do you think we will be able to book the restaurant for Friday?” “Your guess is as good as mine.”
  9. Not as far as I know
  例:“Has Clive left the company? I haven’t seen him for ages.” “Not as far as I know, but I haven’t seen him recently either.”
  10. It beats me
  例:“Why did he do such a stupid thing?” “It beats me”