VOA慢速英语2015 美国探讨是否继续接纳叙利亚难民(在线收听

AS IT IS 2015-11-18 US Debates Admitting Syrian Refugees 美国探讨是否继续接纳叙利亚难民

Since the Paris terrorist attacks, a growing number of U.S. lawmakers want to close the door to Syrians.


They say they are concerned that terrorists may enter with the refugees.


Pat McCrory is the governor of North Carolina:

Pat McCrory是北卡罗来纳州州长。

I am now requesting that the president and the federal government cease sending refugees from Syria to North Carolina until we are thoroughly satisfied with the effectiveness of the federal background checks and security checks conducted on such refugees entering our country.“


More than 20 Republican governors have said they do not want Syrian refugees in their states.


And on Capitol Hill, some Republicans want to stop the arrival of Syrian refugees until Congress can vote on whether to admit them or not.


But Democrats say refugees to the U.S. get extensive background checks.The checks can last months, or even years.The U.S. Department of Homeland Security conducts the background checks before allowing refugees into the country.


Senator Ben Cardin is from Maryland:

参议员Ben Cardin来自马里兰州。

“The vetting process involves many agencies, it takes a long period of time,and we do make sure that they (the refugees) have no affiliations with terrorist organizations, and certainly not involved with ISIL.”


Republicans want to know how a refugee from a war zone like Syria can be properly vetted.Senator Bob Corker is from Tennessee.He asks: If there is no central database of information, how can states know the backgrounds of the individuals?

共和党希望知道如何对来自战争地带(如叙利亚)的难民进行审批。参议员Bob Corker来自田纳西州。他问道:如果没有中央数据库信息,那么各州怎样去了解个人背景呢?

Congressman Eliot Engel is the top Democrat on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.He says we have to be “very, very, very careful” about who we admit to this country.But, he adds, “slamming the door and having zero compassion whatsoever is not the way to go.”

国会议员Eliot Engel是众议院外交委员会的民主党领袖。他表示在确定接纳谁人进入美国的这件事上,我们必须“非常非常非常小心”。但他又补充说道:“无论怎样,关闭国门,完全不同情难民并非正确做法。”

Speaking at the G-20 Summit in Turkey on Monday,President Barack Obama rejected the idea of blocking Syrian refugees from entering the U.S.


“We also have to remember that many of these refugees are the victims of terrorism themselves.That’s what they’re fleeing.Slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values.”


Earlier this year the Obama administration increased the number of Syrian refugees coming to the U.S. from 2,000 to 10,000.These numbers are small compared to the 160,000 people, Syrians and others, settling in Europe.Millions are also already living in camps in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon.


Words in This Story

conduct (ed) - v. to organize and carryout

vet(ting) – n. to verify or check for accuracy or validity

compassion – n. a feeling to wanting to help someone who is sick or in trouble

background check - n. an investigation of someone's criminal past, financial history, education and public records
