
   If you are addicted to your smartphone, you may well be suffering from nomophobia (no mobile phone phobia). That simply means you are scared of the thought of being without your smartphone. How will you stay in contact with your friends and other contacts, read emails, check on your kids, and so on? Panic begins to set in.

  How serious is this problem?
  Some experts believe that naming smartphone addiction as a phobia is exaggerated. One of these critics is Robert Weiss, director of the Sexual Recovery Institute in Santa Monica, California. He says, “[There’s] a lot of fear of technology, fear that [mobile devices are] going to hurt our youth, fear that we are not going to be able to keep up. And I think that it is all a bunch of crap.”
  However, there is plenty of research which shows that smartphone addiction is interfering with people’s lives. It is affecting their mental and physical health.
  Talk about digital baggage! Studies show that you may get “text neck” from all that texting. Sleep is disturbed and one survey shows that 44% of people sleep with their smartphones next to them. The most alarming figure is that about two thirds of users are constantly checking their phones, even when it is not ringing or vibrating.
  How to take a break from your smartphone
  1.Turn off all non-essential notifications关掉那些没有必要的提示
  When you are kept in the loop and get a buzz for every retweet, What’s App message,then you are wasting a lot of time. Already, your social media is pulling you away from reality. Turn off all the notifications you do not really need.
  2.Start talking again
  Ever watched a family or group of friends in a restaurant where they are all on their smartphones and nobody is talking to each other or really connecting? Now that is sad! The only way to reconnect with the people that matter is to put your phone away and start communicating in the good old-fashioned way. Try face to face. It never needs a battery recharge.
  3.Think about what is really going on
  Try to reflect on why you are checking compulsively all the time. It could be anxiety, loneliness, or boredom. Why not try to address these issues and spend time more productively, by staying on task, reading a book, listening to music, or going for a walk (leaving the smartphone at home, of course).
  4.Remember: you don’t have to answer every call,message记住:你不必去接听每一个电话信息
  The world will not end if you do not check your phone immediately, right? Again, you can turn off all these alerts if you cannot bear to turn your smartphone off altogether for a few hours. Ideally, we only need to check our phones a few times a day, but most people check their phones at least 35 times daily!