万物简史 第43期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(7)(在线收听

   Interestingly, Zwicky had almost no understanding of why any of this would happen. According to Thorne, "he did not understand the laws of physics well enough to be able to substantiate his ideas." Zwicky's talent was for big ideas. Others—Baade mostly—were left to do the mathematical sweeping up."有意思的是,兹威基几乎不知道这一切发生的原因。据索恩说:“他不大懂物理学定律,因此不能证明他的思想。兹威基的才华是用来考虑大问题的,而收集数据是别人--主要是巴德--的事。”

  Zwicky also was the first to recognize that there wasn't nearly enough visible mass in the universe to hold galaxies together and that there must be some other gravitational influence—what we now call dark matter. One thing he failed to see was that if a neutron star shrank enough it would become so dense that even light couldn't escape its immense gravitational pull. You would have a black hole.
  Unfortunately, Zwicky was held in such disdain by most of his colleagues that his ideas attracted almost no notice. When, five years later, the great Robert Oppenheimer turned his attention to neutron stars in a landmark paper, he made not a single reference to any of Zwicky's work even though Zwicky had been working for years on the same problem in an office just down the hall. Zwicky's deductions concerning dark matter wouldn't attract serious attention for nearly four decades. We can only assume that he did a lot of pushups in this period.