调查显示 我国超八成人被陌生来电骚扰(在线收听

   Up to 81 percent of Chinese people have received calls from strangers who have gotten hold of their personal information, however, more than half don't know what they can do if they are harassed by nuisance calls, according to a survey released last Monday.

  The survey revealed that over 70 percent of the more than 1 million respondents surveyed said the information security problem is "severe".
  调查显示 我国超八成人被陌生来电骚扰
  When asked how they would respond to nuisance calls, 71 percent said they just hang up the phone or ignore the call; 63 percent blacklist or reject the calls; and only 20 percent said they would officially complain.
  In terms of taking legal measures, over half of the survey participants said they do not know what they can do, with 44 percent saying they would likely do nothing due to the complexity of the procedures and the high cost, said the report.
  Around 14 percent said that even if they did something, they think there would be little result.
  The report suggests that China should adopt legislation on personal information protection since this has not yet been given sufficient judicial attention.