日本政府研究部署'萨德' 我外交部劝日方慎重行事(在线收听

   China urged Japan last Monday to "act prudently", as Japan reportedly considers deployment of a US missile defense system, following the Republic of Korea.

  Japan's Defense Ministry will set up a committee to begin deliberations on the deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system amid the growing nuclear threat of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Defense Minister Tomomi Inada is likely to visit Guam this month to inspect the THAAD system at the US base on the island, Japanese media reported.
  日本政府研究部署'萨德' 我外交部劝日方慎重行事
  "We are concerned by related reports. China's stance on the deployment of THAAD is very clear and remains unchanged," Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told a daily news conference in Beijing.
  "We hope the Japanese side will play a constructive role in facilitating peace and stability in the region, instead of the opposite," he said.
  Calling the current Korean Peninsula situation "complicated and sensitive," he urged parties concerned to solve related issues through political and diplomatic channels.