
   I thought you had to win the war before you could write history...

  He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”― George Orwell 1984
  “谁掌控过去谁就掌控未来。谁掌控现在谁就掌控过去。”乔治.奥威尔 1984
  This isn't such a big change TBH many historians today consider WW1 and WW2 one big decades long war with an armistice in the middle considering how intertwined the two are. The 1931 and 1937 wars could easily be seen in the same context however it's arguable whether Japan had the same intentions in 1931 as they did in 1937 where they ramped up very violently and aimed for all out conquest
  Totally understandable that the powers that be in China...whose biggest fear is the general population actually calling the leadership on their BS...would want people to focus on the war. Instead of...say...the 45 million who died under their hero Mao.
  Fine by me. Why don't we respond by teaching language maths science and social skills better and in a more modern way. That'll show em! ( and you can bet it will in the long run)