
   GENEVA —North Korea said on Tuesday it would pursue its nuclear deterrent and weapons program as huge U.S.-South Korean joint military exercises it says model a “pre-emptive nuclear attack” against Pyongyang continued.

  South Korea and the United States which led condemnation of North Korea’s latest missile tests at the Conference on Disarmament said their military drills were to test defensive readiness against possible aggression from the North.
  在日内瓦裁军谈判会议译者注(Conference on Disarmament,又称“日内瓦裁军谈判会议”,是目前唯一的全球性多边裁军谈判机构)上,韩国和美国主导了对于朝鲜最新导弹测试的谴责,他们说美-韩军事演练是针对朝鲜可能的攻击而测试防御战备。
  North Korean diplomat Ju Yong Choi told the United Nations-backed forum that the allies’ annual exercises were “a major cause of escalation of tension that might turn into actual war”
  U.S. Disarmament Ambassador Robert Wood condemned the tests as North Korea’s latest violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions. He described Pyongyang’s weapons program as a “clear threat to the national security of every country of the region”.
  美国裁军谈判会议大使 Robert Wood 谴责朝鲜最新的导弹测试违背了联合国安理会决议。他将平壤的武器计划描述为一个“明显的对该区域所有国家安全”的威胁。
  “It should be very clear to the DPRK that it is a pariah it is an outlier it is in violation of multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions and that the countries represented in this room are not going to stand by and just let the DPRK violate international law” Wood added.