
  'Brexit' has been named Collins Word of the Year 2016 thanks to a dramatic increase in usage. The team of lexicographers behind the Collins Dictionary say it is the most visible English term of the past year. Here's the words that made the top 10 list:
  TOP 10
  Dude Food
  英英释义:Junk food such as hot dogs or burgers, which are considered particularly appealing to men dude.
  TOP 9
  Snowflake Generation
  英英释义:The young adults of the 2010s, who are viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations.
  The group of young people today that have the INSANE belief they have the right to NOT be offended by any of the beliefs/viewpointsof the other 7.1 billion people of this planet. When these fragile/infantile people are offended, most likely they will react in someway like a toddler (cry, scream, act hysterical, etc).
  TOP 8
  Jomo(Joy Of Missing Out)
  英英释义:Joy of missing out: Pleasure gained from enjoying one’s current activities without worrying that other people are having more fun.
  所以,我们也常常称这类人为FOMO,即Fear Of Missing Out,就是“害怕错失”。FOMO是指一些人,每天都要刷社交媒体,生怕自己错过别人分享当前的精彩活动,这其实就是一种“社交上瘾”。而JOMO倡导大家有节制的使用社交媒体,要让自己真正专注自我,活在当下。享受属于自己的生活,依然快乐。
  TOP 7
  英英释义:A concept, originating in Denmark, of creating cozy and convivial atmospheres that promote well-being.
  The Danish word, pronounced "hoo-ga", is usually translated into English as "cosiness"这个词是丹麦独有的词汇,也是该国独有的文化,泛指友好温馨而无拘无束的悠然生活方式。
  Hygge 指的是一种怡然超脱的精神状态或者一种生活方式,陶渊明笔下的《饮酒》中 “采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”或许诠释了这种hygge 的生活方式。丹麦,作为北欧国家的代表,是公认的世界上生活水准最高、人民最有幸福感的国家。他们偏安一隅、与世无争、享受生命中一切美好的精神状态。新年将至,小编也希望大家拥有属于自己的Hygge生活吧。
  TOP 6
  英英释义: The habitual use of social media to share news, images, etc of one’s children.
  Combination of two words; parenting and sharing. Some parents share too much of their children's information, pictures and private moments online.
  Sharenting是一个合成词,是由share(分享)+ parent(父母)+动名词后缀ing组合而成,专指一些父母喜欢在社交媒体上分享自己宝宝日常照片的行为。比如,我们经常翻看微信朋友圈,就会看到很多喜欢分享孩子生活点滴的照片。其实,“晒娃”不光是我们中国父母的专利,据英国《卫报》报道,乐于分享是社交的一种基本需求,作为早期使用社交媒体的人(early adopters of social media),习惯与陌生人分享自己的观点,且多借助于Facebook和Instagram等这类新型大众社交媒体。“晒娃”一词的出现不仅丰富和发展了语言本身的类化表达机制,也深刻影响着语言使用者的社会观念、文化心态和价值取向。
  TOP 5
  Throw Shade
  英英释义:To make a public show of contempt for someone or something, often in a subtle or non-verbal manner.
  公开蔑视,虽然不是恶语相向,但细微之处依然能看出一个人对对方的挑衅或不友善。如果在公开场合表明对某人或某物的厌恶就可以用上这个词了。多以非常微妙或非言语的方式来公开蔑视某人或某事。而To throw shade可以简单地理解为你向别人说了一些贬损他人的话。
  TOP 4
  英英释义:The adoption of a business model in which services are offered on demand through direct contact between a customer and supplier, usually via mobile technology.
  优步(Uber)是大家熟知的打车APP,加上后缀"ization",译为“优步化”,是指通常以移动通讯技术直接连接顾客和供应商,来为消费者提供服务的一种商业应用模式。2016年是全球出租出行最风靡的一年,Uber应运而生。作为共享经济的一种创新模式,Uber一方面更高效、更充分地利用闲置的车辆资源,改变了各大城市上班族打车难的窘境;另一方面帮助无车用户通过共享车辆实现更便捷出行,降低社会出行总成本,并通过共享缓解交通拥挤。小编认为,这也是TOP 10里最贴近我们平时生活的科技信息类词汇。后缀"ization"表示“……化” ,例如:globalization(全球化),urbanization (城市化), commercialization(商业化)等。
  TOP 3
  'Trumpism' was one of the most popular. It has two meanings.
  (1) the policies advocated by the US politician Donald Trump, especially those involving a rejection of the current political establishment and the vigorous pursuit of American national interests .
  (2) a controversial or outrageous statement attributed to Donald Trump.
  第一,新当选的美国下一任总统唐纳德·特朗普倡导的政策,特别是那些涉及抵制当前政治体制以及积极追求美国民族利益的政策;第二,唐纳德·特朗普发表的饱受争议的声明或令人愤慨的言论。两层含义统称为特朗普主义。由于在此之前,英语词汇中,以“ism”结尾是常见的后缀,表示“……主义”,常见的还有 “马克思主义”(Marxism),“撒切尔主义”(Thatcherism)、“后女性主义”(post-feminism)等词汇。
  TOP 2
  Mic Drop (Obama of)
  英英释义:A theatrical gesture in which a person drops (or imitates the action of dropping) a hand-held microphone to the ground as the finale to a speech or performance.
  美国时间2016年4月30日晚,一年一度的美国白宫记者晚宴(White House Correspondents' Dinner,WHCD)在华盛顿希尔顿酒店举行。这是美国总统奥巴马任内的最后一次记者协会晚宴。在结束精彩的演讲之后,奥巴马说了句“Obama out”,亲吻手指,然后松开左手,让话筒掉在地上,并且给现场来宾送上了飞吻。这也就是所说的“扔麦”,奥巴马扔麦的动作尤为瞩目,由此该词的搜索和转载量均创历史新高。其实,早在北京时间2016年4月14日,科比在打完与爵士的生涯谢幕战后发表了演讲,演讲最后他同样以“曼巴谢幕(Mamba Out)”作为结束语,并且将话筒放到地上,给现场送上飞吻。
  那么,“扔话筒”(Mic Drop)的举动到底有什么来历呢?
  The Mic Drop has been employed by rappers and comedians since the 1980s, and it's grown steadily in popularity since 2007, but it's only in the last year or so that it's become a meme throughout American culture. And no single person has been associated with the mic drop more frequently than the US president Barack Obama.
  其实,早在美国的20世纪80年代,说唱歌手和喜剧演员在表演中就开始使用“扔麦”(Mic Drop)这个动作了。一般都是表演圆满结束以后,歌手或演员最后很酷地扔掉话筒,然后马上离场,呈现出一种霸气和风趣幽默的离场风格。Mic Drop可能将逐渐成为美国表演文化的弥因,加上奥巴马频繁扔麦的举动,所以在柯林斯官网搜索列居第二。
  TOP 1
  英英释义:The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
  Following an advisory referendum held in June 2016, 52% of votes were cast in favors of leaving the EU. "Brexit" is a portmanteau of the words Britain and exit.
  Brexit 是一个合成词,是由媒体杜撰出来的新词,即“不列颠”+“退场”。"We believe that the obvious increased use of 'Brexit' (up 3,400% in 2016), its significant impact in British politics and Britain's exit from the EU make it a word not only primed for history books but also as Collins' Word of the Year,"the team said in a statement.