林超伦实战口译练习笔记 第138期:中国经历了根本变革(在线收听

   Relatively recently, China has undergone fundamental changes from a centrally planned economy to one which embraces market forces;  近年来,中国经历了根本的变革,由中央计划经济转向利用市场的力量。

  and from a largely rural based society to an increasingly urban one.  原来基本上以乡村为基础的社会逐渐都市化。
  Although rapid economic development has dramatically reduced the numbers of poor people, inequality has increased,  高速的经济发展虽然大大减少了贫困人口的数量,但是不平等现象也有增加。
  especially between the more affluent coastal eastern regions and the poorer inland western regions. 东部沿海较富裕地区与西部较贫困的内陆地区的差距尤其突出。