王力宏牛津大学演讲 第6期(在线收听

   And I was facing first but definitely not the last time, the harsh reality that I was minority. 这是我第一次但绝不是最后一次面对这个残酷的现实,我是少数群体。

  In Rochester, which in those days had Asian population of 1%. 在罗彻斯特,当时亚洲人的数量只占1%。
  And I was confused. I wanted to punch Brian. 我很困惑。我想要打布莱恩。
  I wanted to hurt him for putting me in that situation. 因为他让我陷入这个境地,我很想伤害他。
  But he was faster than me, stronger than me, and he would kick my butt, and we both knew that, so I just took it in. 但是他跑得比我快,长得比我壮,他会踢我的屁股,我们都知道。所以我只是默默承受。
  And I didn't tell anyone or share with anyone these feelings, and I just held them in and let them fester. 我没有告诉任何人和任何人分享我的感受。我只让它们烂在自己心里。
  And those feelings would surface, in a strangely therapeutic way for me through music. 而这些感受浮出水面竟是通过一种神奇的疗法——音乐。
  And it was no coincidence that around that time, I started getting good at the violin, the guitar and the drums. 并不是巧合,我那时开始玩小提琴,吉他,鼓,玩得越来越好。
  And I would soon discover that by playing music or singing, other kids would for a brief moment forget about my race or colour and accept me and then be able to see me for who truly I am,  我很快发现演奏音乐或者唱歌时,其他孩子会暂时忘记我的种族,我的肤色,接受我,能够看到真正的我。
  a human being who's emotional, spiritual, curious about the world, and has a need for love, just like everyone else. 一个人,有感情,有灵魂,对世界好奇,需要爱,就和他们每个人一样。
  And by the sixth grade, guess who asked me if I would be the drummer for his band. Brian McKilroy. And I said yes. 到了六年级,猜猜是谁邀请我成为他们乐队的鼓手?布莱恩·麦克基罗。我答应了。
  And that's when we together, formed our elementary school rock band called Nirvana. 这时我们走到了一起,建立了小学的摇滚乐队,它叫涅槃。
  I'm not kidding. I was in a rock band called Nirvana, before Kurt Cobain's band was ever known. 我没开玩笑,我确实曾在一个叫涅槃的摇滚乐队里,是在科特·柯本之前。
  So when Nirvana came out. Brian and I were like, hey, he's stealing our name! 所以当那个涅槃乐队出来的时候,布莱恩和我就像这样,嘿,他们偷了我们的名字!
  But really what attracted me to music at this young age was just this, and it's still what I love about music, it's that it breakes down the walls between us, and show us so quickly the truth that we are much more alike than we are different. 但确实,在那个年纪,音乐吸引我的地方,而且我今天喜欢音乐的原因,仍是它打破了我们之间的隔阂,很快向我们展示了真相,那就是我们的相同之处比不同之处更多。