乔布斯传 第325期:丽萨住了进来(7)(在线收听

   Simpson sent the manuscript to Lisa before it was published, but at first she didn't read more than the opening. 这本书出版前,辛普森把书稿寄给了丽萨,但最初她只读了开头。

  "In the first few pages, I was confronted with my family, my anecdotes, my things, my thoughts, myself in the character Jane," she noted. “在开始的几页里,我看到了我的家庭、我的趣事、我的物品、我的想法,我在叫简的角色中看到了我自己。”她说,
  "And sandwiched between the truths was invention—lies to me, made more evident because of their dangerous proximity to the truth." “在事实之间夹杂着创作——对我来说那就是谎言,可是那又跟事实那么接近。”
  Lisa was wounded, and she wrote a piece for the Harvard Advocate explaining why. 丽萨很受伤,她为哈佛的《代言人》杂志写了一篇文章说明原因。
  Her first draft was very bitter, then she toned it down a bit before she published it. 她的第一稿语气非常尖刻,后来在发表前她进行了一些修改。
  She felt violated by Simpson' s friendship. "I didn't know, for those six years, that Mona was collecting," she wrote. 她感觉被辛普森的友谊所侵犯。“我不知道,那6年以来,莫娜一直在收集素材,”她写道,
  "I didn't know that as I sought her consolations and took her advice, she, too, was taking." “我不知道当我寻求她的安慰、索取她的建议时,她同样也在索取。”
  Eventually Lisa reconciled with Simpson. They went out to a coffee shop to discuss the book,  最终,丽萨和辛普森达成了和解。她们一起去咖啡厅讨论这本书,
  and Lisa told her that she hadn't been able to finish it. Simpson told her she would like the ending.  丽萨告诉辛普森她没能读完它。辛普森说她会喜欢那个结局。
  Over the years Lisa had an on-and-off relationship with Simpson,  多年来,丽萨跟辛普森的关系时好时坏,
  but it would be closer in some ways than the one she had with her father. 但是比跟她父亲的关系更加亲密。