篮球英文堂 第152期:艾弗森 他的叛逆是这个时代的印记(在线收听

   He is a icon around the world 他是世界范围内的一个符号

  And he is pound for pound one of the greatest who's ever played in professional sports 身高1米83的运动员里,他是史上最强之一
  He is rebel with a cause, the cause is Allen 他极其叛逆,而且是阿伦式的独特叛逆
  He came in his style, his way, ain't care what nobody says 他有自己的风格、自己的方式,不管别人怎么评价
  As a coach dealing with him on a daily basis, nobody trained you for that 作为和他朝夕相处的教练,没有人教过我该怎么管教他啊
  Iverson won the game! He won the game 艾弗森赢了!他赢了
  That's the body language of a thug. This gangster, prison attitude 这简直就是黑帮手势,帮会一般的作风,罪犯一样的态度
  I wish it didn't have to be like that, they had go through the things that I went through 我真的不希望出现那种情况,但他们不得不重蹈我经历的那些事。
  But I can't cry about that, this is what it is 但我决不能流一滴泪,发生了的事就是这样了