乔布斯传 第332期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(5)(在线收听

   The two main characters went through many iterations before they ended up as Buzz Lightyear and Woody. 经过反复讨论,两个主角的名字最终定为“巴斯光年”和“胡迪”。

  Every couple of weeks, Lasseter and his team would put together their latest set of storyboards or footage to show the folks at Disney. 每隔两周,拉塞特和他的团队就会把最新的脚本或片段给迪士尼的合作伙伴看。
  In early screen tests, Pixar showed off its amazing technology by,  在早期试镜时,皮克斯制作的动画显示了惊人的技术水平,
  for example, producing a scene of Woody rustling around on top of a dresser 例如有一幕,胡迪在一个梳妆台上,
  while the light rippling in through a Venetian blind cast shadows on his plaid shirt 光透过百叶窗洒进来,影子投在他的格子衬衫上
  an effect that would have been almost impossible to render by hand.  这个效果几乎是不可能通过手工渲染来实现的。
  Impressing Disney with the plot, however, was more difficult.  但是,要让迪士尼对情节方面满意,就难上加难了。
  At each presentation by Pixar, Katzenberg would tear much of it up, barking out his detailed comments and notes. 每次皮克斯作演示,卡曾伯格都会推翻大部分情节,大声道出他的具体评论和意见。
  And a cadre of clipboard-carrying flunkies was on hand 旁边总有一群手捧记事本的随从,
  to make sure every suggestion and whim uttered by Katzenberg received follow-up treatment. 确保卡曾伯格说的每个建议和奇思怪想都能得到后续落实。
  Katzenberg's big push was to add more edginess to the two main characters. 卡曾伯格着力推动的一点,是要让两个主角的个性更尖锐。
  It may be an animated movie called Toy Story, he said, but it should not be aimed only at children. 他说,虽然这是部叫“玩具总动员”的动画电影,但是它不应该只以儿童为目标观众。
  "At first there was no drama, no real story, and no conflict," Katzenberg recalled. “一开始它没有情节,没有真正的故事,没有矛盾冲突,”卡曾伯格回忆说。