英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable0906 - 音乐APP的歌曲版权之争(在线收听

   Topic1-Tencent sue Netease cloud music for copyright infringement

  If you are a user of Netease cloud music, have you noticed that some of the songs in the playlist have been removed from the platform?
  Since August, users found certain albums in Netease's domestic catalog were pulled from the shelves of its cloud.
  Clicking on the sound tracks, at the bottom of the page, the information says: "due to our collaborator's request, the resource is temporarily unavailable".
  What are the two Chinese top music providers fighting over?
  Round Table, Heart to Heart
  We will air questions from listeners and answer them on the live show. Have your question been chosen? You'll need to listen to find out!
  Topic2-10 Ways to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
  If you're a dessert devotee who's trying to lose weight, we've got your back! For many dieters, their sweet tooth is their Achilles Heel—a force that overpowers all of their good intentions--but it doesn't have to be that way.
  Believe it or not, it's possible to satisfy your sweet tooth without going overboard or throwing your weight loss progress down the drain. To prove it's possible, we checked in with nutrition experts and asked them how they keep their cravings in line. (Yes, even diet professionals and nutritionists confess to cravings!)
  Here, they've revealed their go-to hacks and snacks that are sure to please your taste buds and whittle your waistline!