听美剧学英语:《淘小子看世界》 Back 2 School - 7(在线收听

So Johnny, I just wanna to thank you for the chance of meeting our new school principal and getting detention all week with my good friend Marian.

I'm very very sorry.

Oh, think nothing of it. By the way Johnny B, do you think you can meet me in the senior bathroom, say, around 3 o'clock?

Sure, what for? Gang pictures.

When I get through killing you, you won't be so photogenic.

You are gonna kill me?

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. I really really really am. But not until 3 o'clock. Enjoy your lunch.

Ah, Mr. Turner. If I might have a word.

Yeah, sit down.

And the word I believe would be Shazam.

Yes, George. I did assign the class a comic book.

I realize that you are the new groovy teacher. And I am the hidebound traditionalist.

Well, I just thought I might use the material that's sort of related to them on their level.

Oh, Mr. Turner, their level is a level of the beasts of the field. I want them off that level and closer to our level, or should I say, my level.


You really think I'm a groovy teacher?

I think Mr. Turner, it shall be an interesting school year.

My last meal.

Chicken. How appropriate!

You know, I wish it'd been macaroni and cheese 'cause when Harley punches me and I puke on him, it makes a big mess.

Good thinking. Here's a better thinking---ask your brother for help.

I can't. I signed that contract.

You got a car? The new Mustang?

Yeah. Em, only a little older and a little bigger. It's still Mustang Buick.


photogenic: Attractive as a subject for photography. 上照的
Shazam: <儿俚>快变(用于要东西突然出现或消失时的咒语中)
groovy: Very pleasing; wonderful. 极棒的
hidebound: Stubbornly prejudiced, narrow-minded, or inflexible. 思想偏狭顽固的、迂腐的或守旧的
puke: To vomit (ingested matter) or experience vomiting. 呕吐