科学美国人60秒 SSS 蜜蜂喜欢花朵提供的尼古丁(在线收听

Bees Prefer Flowers That Proffer Nicotine

We humans enjoy coffee and tea, to give our brains a caffeine boost. And bees sometimes sip nectar that naturally contains caffeine, which seems to enhance their memory. Now a study suggests that bees enjoy another familiar drug produced by plants: nicotine.


"As it turns out, not just in humans, but even the bees seem to have difficulties quitting." Lars Chittka, a professor of behavioral and sensory ecology at Queen Mary University of London. Chittka and his colleagues studied bumblebees as they visited fake flowers that contained varying levels of nicotine. Unnaturally high nicotine concentrations deterred the bees. But at real-world levels, the drug attracted bees. And they even learned a flower's color faster, if that flower offered a nicotine fix.

“事实上,不只是人类,但即使是蜜蜂似乎也有两难的时候。” Lars Chittka是玛丽女王伦敦大学行为和感觉生态学教授,当大黄蜂落在含有不同剂量的尼古丁的假花上时,Chittka和他的同事们对其进行了研究,高浓度的尼古丁使蜜蜂止步。但在现实情况下,药物会吸引蜜蜂。如果花能提供固定含量的尼古丁,它们还学会了更快地识别花的颜色。

Sometimes bees paid a steep price for this preference. "They returned actually to flowers that had previously sold them nicotine, so to speak, even if these flowers no longer contained nectar."


Which might give nicotine-pushing plants, like tobacco, an edge. "It provides these plant species with an unfair advantage over competing plants, because they can retain the faithful services of pollinators, even if they're offering suboptimal nectar in this case." The results are in the journal Scientific Reports.


And if caffeine and nicotine have these effects on bees? Perhaps natural floral pharmacies stock other drugs too—that enhance pollination, and give bees a buzz.

