冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第105期:第八章 布兰(5)(在线收听

 A strange chill went through him. He began to climb again. Once more the wolf howled. Quiet,he yelled.  布兰觉得有股诡异的寒意流贯全身。他继续爬,小狼又继续嗥。"别叫啦!"他喊,

Sit down. Stay. You’re worse than Mother. "乖乖坐好别动,你比妈还烦。"
The howling chased him all the way up the tree, until finally he jumped off onto the armory roof and out of sight. 然而狼嗥却一直跟随着他,直到他跳上武器库屋顶,消失了踪影为止。
The rooftops of Winterfell were Bran’s second home. His mother often said that Bran could climb before he could walk.  临冬城的屋顶几乎可算是布兰的第二个家,母亲总说他连走路都还没学会,就先学会爬墙啦。
Bran could not remember when he first learned to walk, but he could not remember when he started to climb either,  布兰既不记得自己什么时候学会走路,也不知道自己什么时候学会爬墙,
so he supposed it must be true. 所以他猜她说得应该没错。
To a boy, Winterfell was a grey stone labyrinth of walls and towers and courtyards and tunnels spreading out in all directions.  对一个小男孩而言,临冬城的城墙高塔、庭院甬道就像是座灰石砌成的广袤迷宫。
In the older parts of the castle, the halls slanted up and down so that you couldn’t even be sure what floor you were on.  在城堡比较老旧的部分,无数厅堂四处倾斜,
The place had grown over the centuries like some monstrous stone tree,  容易让人产生不知置身何处之感。
Maester Luwin told him once, and its branches were gnarled and thick and twisted, its roots sunk deep into the earth. 鲁温学士曾说,几千年来,城堡就像一棵不断蔓生的怪物般的石头巨树,枝干扭曲,盘根错节。
When he got out from under it and scrambled up near the sky, Bran could see all of Winterfell in a glance.  当布兰穿过错综复杂的倾颓古城,爬到接近天空的地方,全城的景致终于一览无遗。
He liked the way it looked, spread out beneath him, only birds wheeling over his head while all the life of the castle went on below.  他很喜欢临冬城在他面前展开的辽阔样貌,城堡里的一切熙来攘往、人声喧哗都在他脚下,惟有天际飞鸟在头上盘旋。
Bran could perch for hours among the shapeless, rain-worn gargoyles that brooded over the First Keep,  布兰往往就这样趴在首堡之上,置身在形状早已不复辨识、被风霜雨雪摧残殆尽的石像鬼间,俯瞰下方的城间百态。
watching it all: the men drilling with wood and steel in the yard, the cooks tending their vegetables in the glass garden,  看着广场上拖运木材和钢铁的长工,看着玻璃花园里采集菜蔬的厨师,
restless dogs running back and forth in the kennels, the silence of the godswood, the girls gossiping beside the washing well.  看着犬舍里来回奔跑、局促不安的猎狗,看着静默无语的神木林,看着深井边交头接耳的女侍,
It made him feel like he was lord of the castle, in a way even Robb would never know. 仿佛他才是城堡真正的主人,即使罗柏也无法体会这种境界。