美国小学英语教材2:第17课 鹅太太的派对(在线收听

   Mrs.Goose's Party 鹅太太的派对

  "I think I will have a party," said Mrs.Goose to herself. "Yes, I will have a party this afternoon at three o'clock." “我想有个派对,”鹅太太自言自语道,“对,我要在今天下午三点开个派对。”
  "I will ask Mrs.Squirrel, Mrs.Rabbit, and the three Ducks." “我要叫上松鼠太太、兔太太和三只鸭子。”
  So Mrs. Goose began to get ready for the party. She quickly swept and dusted her house. 于是,鹅太太开始准备派对。她迅速清扫了房间。
  Then she began to think about what she would have to eat. 然后开始思考吃什么。
  "I believe I will have sweet cookies and some cocoa," thought Mrs.Goose.  “我会甜曲奇和一些可可,”鹅太太想,
  "It is a hot day, and I will make some ice cream, too." “天很热,我也要制作一些冰淇淋。”
  She flew into her tiny kitchen, and soon she was as busy as a bee, making the cookies and cocoa. 她飞到小厨房里,不久就像蜜蜂一样忙碌着制作曲奇和可可。
  Then she made the ice cream. 然后做了冰淇淋。
  For two hours Mrs.Goose worked in her clean little kitchen. 她飞到小厨房里,不久就像蜜蜂一样忙碌着制作曲奇和可可。
  She stopped to fan herself now and then, for it was very hot in the tiny room. 它时不时停下来给自己扇风,因为小房间太热了。
  When everything was done, Mrs.Goose saw that it was only two o'clock. 当一切准备就绪之后,鹅太太看时间刚到两点。
  "Oh," she said, "it is just two o'clock. The house is clean, and everything is ready for the party. 她飞到小厨房里,不久就像蜜蜂一样忙碌着制作曲奇和可可。
  I shall have time to sit down and rest for almost an hour before I dress for the party." 我还能坐下来休息差不多一个小时。”
  Mrs.Goose took her fan and sat down to rest in a nice, soft chair. She was so tired that she soon fell asleep. 鹅太太拿着扇子坐在柔软舒适的椅子上休息。她太累了,不久就睡着了。
  Mrs.Goose slept until almost three o'clock. When she woke up, she jumped from her chair. 鹅太太快三点时才醒。她一醒来,就从椅子上跳了起来。
  "Oh, dear me!" she said. "Did I fall asleep? Now I must hurry and dress. “噢,天哪!”她说,“我睡着了?我必须马上穿衣服。
  Mrs.Squirrel, Mrs.Rabbit, and the Ducks may come at any minute. 松鼠太太、兔太太和鸭子任何时候都可能来。
  I'll fly upstairs and put on my new blue dress. I don't want to be late at my own party." 我要飞到楼上,穿上我的新蓝裙。我不想在自己的派对上迟到。”
  Mrs.Goose rubbed her feathers with her yellow bill until they were smooth. “噢,天哪!”她说,“我睡着了?我必须马上穿衣服。
  Then she took off her apron and put on her new party dress. 然后脱下围裙,穿上了她的新礼服。
  She turned this way and that way in front of the looking-glass and thought she looked very fine. 她在穿衣镜前转来转去,觉得自己看起来非常漂亮。
  It was now past three o'clock. 现在过三点了。
  "I'm glad they didn't come at three," said Mrs.Goose.  “噢,天哪!”她说,“我睡着了?我必须马上穿衣服。
  "Now I can sit down again, but I must stay awake this time." “现在我能再坐下了,但这次要醒着。”
  Soon Mrs.Goose went to the window. She did not see Mrs.Rabbit, Mrs.Squirrel, or the three Ducks. “噢,天哪!”她说,“我睡着了?我必须马上穿衣服。
  She kept looking to see what time it was. And she wondered why her friends did not come. 她一直在看时间,好奇她的朋友为什么还没来。
  At last she went to the front door and looked down the road. 最后,她走到前门,往下看了看路。
  "Oh, my!" she said. "How late they are! I hope they won't forget." “天呐!”她说,“它们好迟!我希望它们别忘了。”
  Just then she saw the three Ducks going down the road toward the pond. 就在这时,她看见三只鸭子沿着小路向池塘走去。
  Mrs.Goose hurried after them. 鹅太太赶忙追上它们。
  "Hello!" she called. "Aren't you coming?" “嗨!”她说道,“你们不来吗?”
  The Ducks stopped and looked at her. "Coming where?" they asked. 鸭子们停下来看她。“去哪儿?”它们问。
  "To my house! To my party!" “去我家参加派对!”
  "To your house? To your party?" said the three Ducks in great surprise.  “噢,天哪!”她说,“我睡着了?我必须马上穿衣服。
  "We didn't know that you were going to have a party." “我们不知道你要举办派对。”
  "Didn't I ask you?" said Mrs.Goose. “我没告诉你们?”鹅太太说道。
  "No," answered the Ducks, shaking their heads, "You didn't ask us." “没有,”鸭子摇头回答。“你没叫我们。”
  "Oh, dear!" said Mrs.Goose. "Then I didn't ask Mrs.Rabbit or Mrs.Squirrel.  “噢,天哪!”鹅太太说。“那么我也没叫兔太太和松鼠太太。
  I was so busy making cookies ,cocoa, and ice cream to eat that I forget to ask anyone to come to the party." 我一直在忙着做曲奇、可可和冰淇淋,忘了叫人来参加派对。”
  She began to cry. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" She said. "All those good things to eat, and no party! Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" 她开始哭。“哎呀,天啊!食物都准备好了,但没派对。噢,天哪,天哪!”她说。
  "That's too bad," said the three Ducks. "Can't we come now?" 三只鸭子说:“那太糟糕了。我们现在能去吗?”
  "Yes, yes!" answered Mrs.Goose. “当然能!”鹅太太回答道,
  "And please go and get the others. Don't stop to dress up. Come just as you are." “请你们去通知其他人。不用停下来装扮了。这样来就好。”
  Off ran the Ducks. In a few minutes they came back with Mrs.Squirrel and Mrs. Rabbit. 鸭子们跑了。几分钟后,它们与松鼠太太和兔太太一起回来了。
  At four o'clock they were all eating the cookies and the cocoa and the ice cream. 四点,它们一起吃曲奇、可可和冰淇淋。
  Mrs.Goose laughed with joy. "This is a real surprise party." she said. 鹅太太高兴地笑了。她说:“这才是真正的惊喜派对。”