美国语文第二册 第50期:上帝伟大而仁爱(在线收听

  flow 漂流
  wide 宽的
  steep 深远的
  lakes 湖泊
  twinkling 发光的
  I know God made the sun 我知道上帝创造了太阳,
  To fill the day with light; 带给世界光明。
  He made the twinkling stars 他造出了闪耀繁星,
  To shine all through the night. 照亮整个天穹。
  He made the hills that rise 他令山岳拔地而起,
  So very high and steep; 高峻入九天。
  He made the lakes and seas, 他令水滴汇聚湖海,
  That are so broad and deep. 深邃而无边。
  He made the streams so wide, 他令川流宽阔,
  That flow through wood and vale; 奔入树林与深谷。
  He made the rills so small, 他令小河细流,
  That leap down hill and dale. 直泻山崖成瀑布。
  He made each bird that sings 他赐予飞鸟动听的嗓音,
  So sweetly all the day; 整日甜美地歌唱。
  He made each flower that springs 他赐予花朵灿烂的外表,
  So bright, so fresh, so gay. 新奇而鲜艳地绽放。
  And He who made all these, 上帝创造了一切,
  He made both you and me; 上帝创造了你我。
  Oh, let us thank Him, then, 噢,让我们感谢主,
  For great and good is He. 为他的善良和伟大。