美国语文第三册 第10期:铁匠(在线收听

   LESSON 11 第11课

  iron 铁
  eyelid 眼睑
  forge 锻造
  intense 紧张的
  clinkerty  叮当
  shrink 缩小
  labor 劳工
  hammer 锤打
  Clink, clink, clinkerty clink! 叮当,叮当,叮叮当!
  We begin to hammer at morning's blink, 当天空出现第一缕晨光,
  And hammer away 我们开始敲打,不停劳作,
  Till the busy day, 直到忙碌的太阳沉落,
  Like us, aweary, to rest shall sink. 疲倦地回去休息,和我们一样。
  Clink, clink, clinkerty clink! 叮当,叮当,叮叮当!
  From labor and care we never will shrink; 我们小心谨慎,不停地忙;
  But our fires we'll blow 吹起熊熊火焰,
  Till our forges glow 直到熔炉发烫,
  With light intense, while our eyelids wink. 我们不停眨眼,因那炉火炽热的强光。
  Clink, clink, clinkerty clink! 叮当,叮当,叮叮当!
  The chain we'll forge with many a link. 一环一环锻成铁链长又长,
  We'll work each form 我们趁着烙铁热烫,
  While the iron is warm, 打造各种形状,
  With strokes as fast as we can think. 手起锤落,快如思想跳跃的闪光。
  Clink, clink, clinkerty clink! 叮当,叮当,叮叮当!
  Our faces may be as black as ink, 也许我们的脸黑得像墨水一样,
  But our hearts are true 可是我们的心无比真挚,
  As man ever knew, 正如人们一直所知,
  And kindly of all we shall ever think. 我们也总是善待各方。