美国语文第五册 第306期:迈诺特的利奇(2)(在线收听

   A ship upon the shoals to-night! 无助小船,今晚撞沉海滩,

  She cannot hold for one half hour; 落叶飘零,很快将葬身海底,
  But clear the ropes and grappling hooks, 老人扬开风帆,冒死飞去营救,
  And trust in the Almighty Power! 至高无上力量,荣归上帝。
  On the drenched gallery he stands, striving to pierce the solid night: 海水猛烈,扑打无助的船舷,小船刺破,风高浪涌的夜深,
  Across the sea the red eye throws a steady crimson wake of light; 黢黑海面,升起一掬希望灯火,美好静谧,荡开温馨的祝福。
  And, where it falls upon the waves, 突然间,波涛滚动的浪尖,
  He sees a human head float by, 灯光朦胧,水面泊来人影,
  With long drenched curls of chestnut hair, 那栗色长发,熟悉身影,
  And wild but fearless hazel eye. 褐色眼睛,依然透出畏惧。
  Out with the hooks! One mighty fling! 老人取出铁勾,猛力掷出,
  Adown the wind the long rope curls. 顺着风向,飞出长长索绳,
  Oh! will it catch? Ah, dread suspense! 噢!他能抓住吗?一阵揪心悬念!
  While the wild ocean wilder whirls. 海浪扑天,卷起漩涡飞旋,
  A steady pull; it tightens now: 握住扯紧,一步步拽拉,
  Oh! his old heart will burst with joy, 天呀!他简直心花怒放,
  As on the slippery rocks he pulls the breathing body of his boy. 落水少年,被拖上滑腻的礁石,他在喘息,查理还活着。
  Still sweep the specters through the sky; 幽灵鬼怪,天马行空御风疾驰,
  Still scud the clouds before the storm; 白云苍狗,穿过世间喧嚣纷争,
  Still naked in the howling night 时光裸露,倏然跌进风暴的夜晚,
  The red-eyed lighthouse lifts its form. 渐次灯火,映亮大地黑色眼瞳。
  Without, the world is wild with rage; 没有光,世界将充满疯狂愤怒,
  Unkenneled demons are abroad; 群魔乱舞,血腥淋漓内心恐惧,
  But with the father and the son within, there is the peace of God. 父亲在,爱亦在,孩子亦在,悲悯众生,祈祷上帝福祉降临。