Artistic Impressions Degas’ World(在线收听



Here Degas shows a couple in a café staring out 1)disconsolately, with a glass of the 2)deadly green 3)absinthe on the table in front of the woman. Degas’ friend Monet painted a dandish male absinthe drinker just over a decade before. But Degas in many ways paints a more 4)graphic picture which doesn’t 5)glamorize either the café itself or the drink, which was 6)deemed to be 7)addictive and 8)lethal enough to be banned by the end of the century. Instead he paints a sympathetic portrait of a tough, dreary world from which the only escape is drink. The work provoked a strong reaction when it was first shown at the second 9)impressionist exhibition in 1876. But its notoriety helped Degas to sell the work to an English collector called Captain Hill from Brighton.

Degas remained interested in public spectacle as well as private and produced this dramatic image of the acrobat Miss Lala, a 10)sensation is Paris in 1879 when she performed at the 11)circus Fernando. Her specialties included the 12)trapeze, and, most 13)spectacularly of all, being hauled up to the roof by her teeth in a painting which you could say has a real bite. It’s an image which captures the sense of physical 14)exertion as well as perfect 15)poise, and makes us look up at this almost angel-like figure with a feeling of 16)precariousness and 17)awe as if we’re seated in the circus room below.

In this painting, color takes over in a 18)blazing symphony of reds which 19)amplify the 20)dynamic image of the woman having her hair combed in a way that is almost savage. She 21)clutches at her head to stop the maid from pulling it out by the roots. The whole 22)thrust of the painting follows the line of that 23)tugging action from bottom left to top right, and in what might otherwise be a 24)tweed image of booed wild 25)vanity. Degas gives us an almost uncomfortable image of energy.

The bathers were the final stage Degas’ chronicling of the various experiences of contemporary women almost to the point of 26)obsession with every 27)conceivable aspect of their lives charted when used as a 28)vehicle for his exploration of different artist media. In the 1890s, as his sight got worse, his images of women became even more 29)radical. Depicted in ever more closer, 30)cropped, and increasingly abstracted forms. In this bold picture, the forms are 31)layered, with the figures visible in the distance, but the motion of the picture is pushing forward into our faces amplified by the skins of 32)pastel 33)pigment creating a pattern of 34)kaleidoscopic color. It’s a fitting finale from the dance 35)maestro Degas, the work which makes you dizzy just looking at it 36)animated in style and subject matter and as one artistorian observed, elevating pastel painting to a major art form.

     Ironically, in his late use of bold simplified colors with a degree of abandon, Degas came closest to the concerns of mainstream impressionism. But he also anticipated a more expressionistic approach to art, which flourished in the next century. Above all, though it was his line work, sense of experimentation, coupled with a complex and often dark vision of contemporary life, which fascinated artists from Picasso onwards.  CE









具有讽刺意味的是,德加后来大胆摒弃一些颜色,简化了色调,非常接近印象主义主流派。但他也先一步用出了较具表现主义的艺术画法,表现主义在下二十世纪中相当盛行。尽管他的代表作中带有实验感,兼表现了当时生活中复杂的阴暗面,但重要的是德加的画给后来的毕加索等画家提供了丰富的灵感。 CE



1)  disconsolately [dis5kCnsClitli] adv. 悲伤地,愁闷地

2)  deadly [5dedli] a. 死一般的,沉的

3)  absinthe [5AbsainW] n. 苦艾酒

4)  graphic [5grAfik] a. 生动的,轮廓鲜明的

5)  glamorize [5glAmEraiz] v. 使有魔力的

6)  deem to 认为,相信

7)  addictive [E5diktiv] a. 上瘾的

8)  lethal [5li:WEl] a. 致命的

9)  impressionist [im5preFEnist] n. 印象派画家

10) sensation [sen5seiFEn] n. 轰动,耸人听闻

11) circus [5sE:kEs] n. 马戏团

12) trapeze [trE5pi:z] n.吊秋千

13) spectacularly [spek5tAkjulEli] adv. 引人注意地,惊人地

14) exertion [ig5zE:FEn] n. 发挥,行使

15) poise [pCiz] n. 平衡,均衡

16) precariousness [pri5kZEriEsnis] n. 不稳定

17) awe [C:] n. 畏惧;敬畏

18) blazing [5bleiziN] a. 炽烈的,强烈的

19) amplify [5Amplifai] v. 增强,放大

20) dynamic [dai5nAmik] a. 动力的

21) clutch [klQtF ]v.

22) thrust [WrQst] n. 推力,延伸

23) tug [tQg] v. 拖拉

24) tweed [twi:d] a. 休闲松散的

25) vanity [5vAniti] n. 空白

26) obsession [Eb5seFEn] n. 迷住,缠住

27) conceivable [kEn5si:vEbEl] a. 可想得到的

28) vehicle [5vi:ikEl] n. 传达手段

29) radical [5rAdikEl] a. 激进的

30) cropped [krCpt] a. 难以接受的

31) layer [5leiEr] v.  分层

32) pastel [pEs 5 tel] n. 粉画

33) pigment [pigmEnt] n. 颜料

34) kaleidoscopic [kElaidE5skCpik] a. 万花筒般的

35) maestro [5maistrEu] n. 艺术大师

36) animate [5Animeit] v. 使生气勃勃的

