
 I now took the measure of the bench, and found that it was a foot too short; but that could be mended with a chair.  这当儿,我把那长凳估量一下,发觉还短一英尺;但是,还可以拿把椅子凑合一下。

But it was a foot too narrow, and the other bench in the room was about four inches higher than the planed one-so there was no yoking them.  不过,横里也窄了一英尺,房间里虽然还有一只长凳,却比这只刨过的高出四英寸模样...这一来可无法把它们拼起来了。
I then placed the first bench lengthwise along the only clear space against the wall, leaving a little interval between, for my back to settle down in.  于是,我把这只刨过的凳子,顺着屋内唯一的空墙壁放着,在凳子和墙壁中间稍微留出一点空隙,好容我的脊梁。
But I soon found that there came such a draught of cold air over me from under the sill of the window,  但是,我立刻又发觉从窗格下面袭来一股冷风,刚巧吹在我头上;
that this plan would never do at all, especially as another current from the rickety door met the one from the window,  尤其是那扇摇晃晃的门缝里又有另一股冷风吹来,跟窗子下面袭来的那股冷风碰个正着,
and both together formed a series of small whirlwinds in the immediate vicinity of the spot where I had thought to spend the night. 两股寒风一会了师,恰好紧挨在我想过夜的地方形成一阵阵的小旋风;所以,这个主意根本就行不通。
The devil fetch that harpooneer, thought I, but stop, couldn't I steal a march on him--bolt his door inside, and jump into his bed,  鬼拖去那个标枪手,我心里想,但是,慢着,我难道不能偷偷地抢在他前面...把他的房门反锁起来,跳上他的床,
not to be wakened by the most violent knockings?  随他把房门敲得多响,再也不醒过来吗?
It seemed no bad idea but upon second thoughts I dismissed it.  这个主意似乎不坏;可是,再一想,我不干了。