
   and what it is to keep shouting at the top of one's compass,  可是,他还能够以最高的音量不停地高声叫嚷,

  while all the other muscles are strained and half started—what that is none know but those who have tried it.  就算在尽量使用全身肌肉而有点疲累乏力的情况下——这个味道是怎么样,却是除了曾经亲受的人以外,谁都体会不出的。
  For one, I cannot bawl very heartily and work very recklessly at one and the same time.  就我个人说来,我就无法同时既能尽情咆哮,又能拼命工作。
  In this straining, bawling state, then, with his back to the fish, all at once the exhausted harpooneer hears the exciting cry, 这时,在这种又要使力,又要咆哮的境地里,这个背对着大鲸的精疲力竭的标枪手,一听到那声激动的叫喊,
  "Stand up, and give it to him!" “站出来,给它尝一记!”
  He now has to drop and secure his oar, turn round on his centre half way,  就得放好他的桨子,佝偻地转过身来,
  seize his harpoon from the crotch, and with what little strength may remain, he essays to pitch it somehow into the whale.  从叉柱上抓起他的标枪,使出他仅有的一点力气,设法把它投进大鲸身上。
  No wonder, taking the whole fleet of whalemen in a body, that out of fifty fair chances for a dart, not five are successful; 就整个捕鲸队说来,难怪在五十次投枪的好机会中,投准的总不到五枪了,
  no wonder that so many hapless harpooneers are madly cursed and disrated;  难怪有那么许多倒霉的标枪手都被人狠狠地咒骂和揶揄;
  no wonder that some of them actually burst their blood-vessels in the boat;  难怪有些标枪手在小艇里当场把血管都气炸了;
  no wonder that some sperm whalemen are absent four years with four barrels; 难怪有一些捕抹香鲸船一年连一桶油都捞不到;
  no wonder that to many ship owners, whaling is but a losing concern;  难怪在许多船老板们看来,捕鲸就是一宗赔本生意;
  for it is the harpooneer that makes the voyage, and if you take the breath out of his body how can you expect to find it there when most wanted! 因为实际在干这航行的就是标枪手,而如果你把他全部精力都给榨尽,怎能盼望他在紧急关头还会有精力呢!
  Again, if the dart be successful, then at the second critical instant, that is, when the whale starts to run,  再说,如果投枪投中了,那么紧要关头又来了,就是说,因为这时大鲸开始狂游,
  the boatheader and harpooneer likewise start to running fore and aft, to the imminent jeopardy of themselves and every one else.  指挥员和标枪手都得冒着他们自己和大家的大危险,在艇头艇尾奔赶着。