英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第170期:第十章 审问(18)(在线收听

 "If you read carefully, the laws only cover hunting with weapons," he informed me. “如果你有仔细看的话,你会发现法律只针对使用武器狩猎的行为。”他告诉我。

He watched my face with enjoyment as that slowly sank in. 他饶有趣味地看着我的脸,看着我一点一点地消化这个认知。
"Bears?" I repeated with difficulty. “熊?”我艰难地重复道。
"Grizzly is Emmett's favorite." His voice was still offhand, but his eyes were scrutinizing my reaction. I tried to pull myself together. “灰熊是艾美特的最爱。”他的口气依然很随意,但他的眼睛密切关注着我的反应。我努力让自己恢复镇定。
"Hmmm," I said, taking another bite of pizza as an excuse to look down. “呃嗯”我说着,又咬了一口披萨,借机低下了头。
I chewed slowly, and then took a long drink of Coke without looking up. 我慢慢地咀嚼着,然后啜饮了许久可乐,依然没有抬头。
"So," I said after a moment, finally meeting his now-anxious gaze. "What's your favorite?" “那么,”过了一会儿我才说道,最终对上了他变得焦虑不安的注视。“你的最爱是什么?”
He raised an eyebrow and the corners of his mouth turned down in disapproval. "Mountain lion." 他挑起一侧眉头,不赞成地弯下了嘴角。“美洲狮。”
"Ah," I said in a politely disinterested tone, looking for my soda again. “啊。我用一种礼貌的,不感兴趣的语气说道,又开始喝我的苏打水了。
"Of course," he said, and his tone mirrored mine, “当然,”他说道,他的口吻像镜子一样反映着我的语气。
"we have to be careful not to impact the environment with injudicious hunting. “我们不得不当心,避免让有失妥当的捕猎破坏环境。
We try to focus on areas with an overpopulation of predators—ranging as far away as we need. 我们努力把捕猎范围集中在食肉动物数量过剩的地区——变动的范围会根据我们的需要尽可能广泛些。
There's always plenty of deer and elk here, and they'll do, but where's the fun in that?" He smiled teasingly. 那里通常有许多的野鹿和麋鹿,猎食它们也是可以的,但这有什么乐趣可言呢?”他自嘲地笑了笑。
"Where indeed," I murmured around another bite of pizza. “说得更确切些。”我又咬了一口披萨,含糊地说道。
"Early spring is Emmett's favorite bear season—they're just coming out of hibernation, so they're more irritable." He smiled at some remembered joke. “早春是艾美特最喜欢的猎熊季节——它们刚从冬眠中醒来,所以它们更容易被激怒。”他似乎想起了某个玩笑,于是笑了起来。
"Nothing more fun than an irritated grizzly bear," I agreed, nodding. “没什么能比一只被激怒的灰熊更有趣了。”我赞同着,点了点头。
He snickered, shaking his head. "Tell me what you're really thinking, please." 他窃笑着,摇了摇头:“告诉我你真正在想的事情,求你了。”
"I'm trying to picture it—but I can't," I admitted. "How do you hunt a bear without weapons?" “我试着想象出这一切——可我不能。”我承认道。“你怎么能赤手空拳猎熊呢?”