英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第240期:第十四章 精神胜于物质(4)(在线收听

 "But she was never more than a sister. “但对我来说,她只是一个妹妹。

It was only two years later that she found Emmett. 仅仅过了两年,她找到了艾美特。
She was hunting—we were in Appalachia at the time—and found a bear about to finish him off. 她正在狩猎——那时我们住在阿巴拉契亚山区——发现一只熊正要把他干掉。
She carried him back to Carlisle, more than a hundred miles, afraid she wouldn't be able to do it herself. 她背着他跑了一百多英里,回来找卡莱尔,她怕自己做不来这件事。
I'm only beginning to guess how difficult that journey was for her." 我现在才想到,这段旅途对她来说是多么的不易。”
He threw a pointed glance in my direction, and raised our hands, still folded together, to brush my cheek with the back of his hand. 他直率地瞥了一眼我的方向,然后拿起我们的手,依然紧握着,用他的手背轻抚着我的脸颊。
"But she made it," I encouraged, looking away from the unbearable beauty of his eyes. “但她做到了。”我鼓励着,别开脸不去看他那双美得无法承受的眼睛。
"Yes," he murmured. “是的,”他喃喃低语道。
"She saw something in his face that made her strong enough. “她从他脸上看到了某种东西,这让她足够坚强。
And they've been together ever since. 从那以后他们就在一起了。
Sometimes they live separately from us, as a married couple. 有时候他们不和我们一起住,就像一对结了婚的夫妇一样。
But the younger we pretend to be, the longer we can stay in any given place. 但我们装得越年轻,我们就能在选中的地方待越久。
Forks seemed perfect, so we all enrolled in high school." He laughed. 福克斯很不错,所以我们都进了高中。”他大笑起来。
"I suppose we'll have to go to their wedding in a few years, again." “我猜再过几年我们又得参加他们的婚礼了。”
"Alice and Jasper?" “爱丽丝和贾斯帕?”
"Alice and Jasper are two very rare creatures. “爱丽丝和贾斯帕是两个非常特别的个体。
They both developed a conscience, as we refer to it, with no outside guidance. 他们都在没有任何外界指导的情况下养成了我们所欣赏的那种道德心。
Jasper belonged to another... family, a very different kind of family. 贾斯帕属于另一个……家族,一个非常不一样的家族。
He became depressed, and he wandered on his own. 他变得沮丧起来,于是开始独自流浪。
Alice found him. Like me, she has certain gifts above and beyond the norm for our kind." 爱丽丝发现了他。和我一样,她拥有着一种基于但又超越了我们个人特质的天赋。”