英语听书《海底两万里》第384期 第25章 地中海四十八小时(10)(在线收听

 Twice I went to the lounge. I wanted to consult the compass.  我两次到客厅中去。我要看罗盘。

I wanted to see if the Nautilus's heading was actually taking us closer to the coast or spiriting us farther away.  我要看诺第留斯号的方向是不是接近或离开海岸。
But no. The Nautilus was still in Portuguese waters. Heading north, it was cruising along the ocean's beaches. 不,诺第留斯号总是在葡萄牙沿岸海水中行驶。它沿着大西洋海岸向北开行。
So I had to resign myself to my fate and get ready to escape. My baggage wasn't heavy. My notes, nothing more. 所以,这时候必须打定主意,准备逃走。我的行李并不重,只有我的笔记,没有什么别的了。
As for Captain Nemo, I wondered what he would make of our escaping, what concern or perhaps what distress it might cause him, and what he would do in the twofold event of our attempt either failing or being found out!  至于尼摩船长,我心中问,他对于我们的逃走将怎样想,使他心中有怎样的苦恼,或者使他有多少的损害,以及当逃走或被发觉或不成功的两种情况下,他将怎么办!
Certainly I had no complaints to register with him, on the contrary.  当然我没有什么可以埋怨他,与此相反,
Never was hospitality more wholehearted than his. Yet in leaving him I couldn't be accused of ingratitude.  待客的态度,从没有像他那么但白真诚。我离开他,我不能说是忘恩负义。
No solemn promises bound us to him. In order to keep us captive, he had counted only on the force of circumstances and not on our word of honor.  没有什么誓言把我们跟他束缚在一起。他相信把我们永远拉在他身边的,只是客观环境的力量,而不是我们的约言。
But his avowed intention to imprison us forever on his ship justified our every effort. 但他的这种公然承认,永远把我们留在船上作囚人的想法,正能说明所有我们的逃走企图都是合理的。
I hadn't seen the captain since our visit to the island of Santorini.  我自从在桑多林岛附近跟船长会见以来,就没有再看见他。
Would fate bring me into his presence before our departure? I both desired and dreaded it.  在我们出走之前,是不是有机会使我再见他一面呢?我同时又想见他,又怕见他,
I listened for footsteps in the stateroom adjoining mine. Not a sound reached my ear.  我注意听,我是不是可以听到他在隔壁的房中走动呢。
His stateroom had to be deserted. 没有什么声响传到我的耳边来。
Then I began to wonder if this eccentric individual was even on board.  那房中想是没有人了。我于是心中又问,这个古怪的人是不是在船上。
Since that night when the skiff had left the Nautilus on some mysterious mission, my ideas about him had subtly changed.  自从那一夜,小艇离开了诺第留斯号执行一个神秘的使命,我对于这个人的思想,略为改变了一些。
In spite of everything, I thought that Captain Nemo must have kept up some type of relationship with the shore.  我想,不管他怎么说,尼摩船长跟陆地一定还保留某一种关系。