留美老师带你每日说英文 第950期:苹果和甜甜圈的热量差别(在线收听

 Apples contain fiber and vitamins while donuts are full of saturated fats and chemically processed ingredients. Even though apples are healthier for you, you have to eat more of them to get the same number of calories as one donut.

1.fiber 纤维
fiber (n.) 纤维
protein (n.) 蛋白质
2.vitamin 维他命
vitamin (n.) 维他命
vitamin deficiency (phr.) 维生素缺乏
mineral (n.) 矿物
3.saturated fat 饱和脂肪
saturated fat (phr.) 饱和脂肪
unsaturated fat (phr.) 不饱和脂肪
4.processed 经过特殊加工的
processed (adj.) 经过特殊加工的
whole food (phr.) 天然健康食品
5.calorie 大卡
calorie (n.) 大卡
burn off (phr.) 消耗