舌尖上的中国第1季 第14期:自然的馈赠-全鱼宴(在线收听

 We must do it every year. We must abide by the long-lasting tradition. 一年一次必须得搞的。这是古代传下来的那不能差。

It represents a wish for an annual surplus.Let's take all the fish home today. 这不是年年有余吗。今儿咱们把鱼都带回去。
The big fish just caught is to be cooked at Shi's family for the dinner on the lunar New Year's Eve. 刚出水的大鱼正在石把头的家里准备迎接除夕。
Traditionally, it's a rich feast of fish - is the main ingredient of all the dishes. 依照老传统,年夜饭还是一桌全鱼宴-隆重的晚宴中,鱼是绝对的主角儿。
Shi's son-in-law cooks well and will serve the whole family. 女婿做得一手好菜,是家里的大厨。
He exhausts his ability to complete all 14 dishes on the feast menu. 完成全鱼宴上的14道菜,穷尽了他的全部手艺。
The main dish is Stewed Fishes seasoned with a special sauce in the Northeast. 重头戏是垮炖杂鱼,一定要用上东北的大酱调味。
First, stew the bighead carp thoroughly, then add in several other fishes one by one. 先炖透胖头鱼,再依次放进几种杂鱼。
The combination represents the straightforward character of the locals. 混搭的感觉像极了东北人的率性和直接。
Children accompany the elders for a drink after a tough and busy year. 家里的孩子陪着老人一起喝酒,辛苦的一年过去了。
This is sashimi. This is whitebait, Wuchang fish, and fish meat cubes. 这个是生鱼生鱼片,这个是银鱼,武昌(鱼)这个是鱼肉段儿。
The scent of various fish fills the night of the little fishing village. 鱼鲜混杂的味道弥漫在查干湖渔村的夜晚。
Gifts from the lakes have nourished the residents nearby; 湖水的馈赠固然养育了依水而居的人们,
While the ocean is an even more important source of food the Chinese rely on. 然而海洋更是许多中国人赖以生存的水世界。