英语PK台 第283期:希拉里发表"国家安全"演讲(在线收听

   Section 1

  As a candidate for president, there is nothing I take more seriously than our national security. I've offered clear strategies for how to defeat ISIS, strengthen our alliances. I believe the person the Republicans has nominated for president cannot do the job. Donald Trump's ideas aren't just different, they are dangerously incoherent. They are not even really ideas, just a serials of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies. He is temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility.
  作为总统候选人再没什么比国家安全让我更认真对待了。我提供了明确的战略来打败ISIS 加强美国的盟国。我相信共和党的总统提名人不能胜任这个工作,唐纳德·特朗普的想法不只是另类,他的想法是危险的,是语无伦次的,那些甚至都不算是真的想法, 而只是一系列离奇的咆哮个人恩怨 和赤裸裸的谎言。他的脾气性情,不能胜任这个需要知识,需要稳定性,需要担负巨大责任的职位。
  He is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes because it is not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin. This is the man who said that more countries should have nuclear weapons. This is someone who has threatened to abandon our allies in NATO. He believes we can treat U.S. economy like one of his casinos.
  He says he has foreign policy experience because he ran the Miss Universe pageant in Russia. And to top it off, he believes America is weak, an embarrassment. Those are the words, my friends, of someone who doesn't understand America or the world. That's why,even if I weren't in this race, I'd be doing everything I could to make sure Donald Trump never becomes President because I believe he would take our county down to a truly dangerous path.
  Section 2
  As I see it, there are some important things our next President must do. These are all the areas in which Donald Trump and I profoundly disagree. First, we need to be strong at home. That means investing in our infrastructure: education and innovation, the fundamentals of a strong economy. Compare that with what Trump wants to do. His economic plans would add more than 30 trillion dollars to our national debt over the next 20 years.
  Second, we need to stick with our allies. We are lucky to have two friendly neighbors on our land borders. Why would he want to make one of them our enemy? The real debate here is whether we keep those alliances strong or cut them off. Third, we need to embrace all the tools of American power, especially diplomacy and development. Donald Trump says we shouldn't done the deal. We should've walked away. Just like being interviewed on the same episode of “60 Minutes” as Putin was, is not the same thing as actually dealing with Putin.
  第三、我们需要使用一切办法 巩固美国实力,特别是外交和发展要主动出击。特朗普说:我们不应该做这笔交易,我们应该不去谈判。和普京在一集《60分钟》节目里接受采访,那和与普京亲自打交道是不一样的。
  Fourth, we need to be firm but wise with our rivals. Now fifth, we need a real plan for confronting terrorists. Just look at the few things he's actually said on the subject: letting ISIS run wild; launching a nuclear attack; starting a ground war. These are all distinct possibilities with Donald Trump in charge. This isn't a reality television; this is actually reality. Now six, we need to stay true to our values. Trump says over and over again, the world is laughing at us.
  第五、我们需要打击恐怖分子的真正方案。只要看看他在这个问题上说的几件事:让ISIS成为脱缰野马,发动核攻击,开启一场地面战争 . ..特朗普掌权 这些都可能实现,都有可能。这不是真人秀电视节目,这是真正的现实。
  重要词汇 Vocabulary
  bizarre rants
  bizarre :very odd and strange.
  Rant: If you say that someone rants, you mean that they talk loudly or angrily, and exaggerate or say foolish things.
  e.g. Remaining silence or walking way are safe choice when someone begin to rant.
  personal feuds世仇;积怨
  A feud is a quarrel in which two people or groups remain angry with each other for a long time, although they are not always fighting or arguing.
  e.g. a long-standing feud between two families.
  outright lies
  You use outright to describe behavior and actions that are open and direct, rather than indirect.
  e.g. outright condemnation/rejection/declaration
  temperamentally 喜怒无常地
  Temper: a person's present or habitual state of mind 心情,脾气
  e.g. in a bad temper/lost my temper
  Temperament: a person's nature 性情,本性
  e.g. Success often depends on temperament.
  Temperamental: (derog) having frequent changes of temper 喜怒无常的,易怒的 e.g. She's so temperamental that no one wants to work with her.
  广大的;巨大的extremely large or great
  e.g. You have made immense improvement in English.
  thin skin
  have a thick skin 不敏感 have a thin skin 敏感
  e.g. Those thin-skinned people are easy to take offense.
  to top it off
  as a culminating, typically unpleasant, event or action in a series (尤指一系列不好的事情中)最后地,更糟糕的是,加之,更有甚者
  e.g. I lost my wallet, my key and to top it off, my new IPhone.
  Diplomacy 外交
  Diplomacy is the activity or profession of managing relations between the governments of different countries.
  e.g. Preventive / energy/quiet/diplomacy
  If an idea, thought, or intention is distinct, it is clear and definite.
  e.g. It is distinct that smoking is harmful to health.