乔布斯传 第433期:乔尼·艾弗(5)(在线收听

   Like most designers, Ive enjoyed analyzing the philosophy and the step-by-step thinking that went into a particular design. 和大多数设计师一样,艾弗喜欢分析某个特定设计背后的理念以及如何一步步地构思出这个设计。

  For Jobs, the process was more intuitive. 对于乔布斯来说,他的判断更注重直觉。
  He would point to models and sketches he liked and dump on the ones he didn't. 他会明确指出自己喜欢的模型和草图,放弃那些不喜欢的。
  Ive would then take the cues and develop the concepts Jobs blessed. 而艾弗接下来会按照乔布斯的思路和喜好,进一步完善设计理念。
  Ive was a fan of the German industrial designer Dieter Rams, who worked for the electronics firm Braun. 艾弗的偶像是为博朗电器公司工作的德国工业设计大师迪特尔·拉姆斯。
  Rams preached the gospel of "Less but better," Weniger aber besser, 拉姆斯崇尚的设计理念是“少而优”。
  and likewise Jobs and Ive wrestled with each new design to see how much they could simplify it. 同样,乔布斯和艾弗也在为如何能让每一个新设计变得简洁而绞尽脑汁。
  Ever since Apple's first brochure proclaimed "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication," 自从在第一本苹果手册里宣称“至繁归于至简”以来,
  Jobs had aimed for the simplicity that comes from conquering complexities, not ignoring them. 乔布斯就以追求简洁为目标。追求简洁不是要忽视复杂性,而是要化繁为简。
  "It takes a lot of hard work," he said, "to make something simple, 他说,“这需要付出很多努力,要把一件东西变得简单,
  to truly understand the underlying challenges and come up with elegant solutions." 还要真正地认识到潜在的挑战,并找出漂亮的解决方案。”