英国学生科学读本 第100期:霜先生(在线收听

   Jack Forst 霜先生

  Jack Frost—he is with us again; 霜先生——他又来拜访了。
  He comes every winter, you know; 每年冬天他如期而至,你知道。
  But We’re hardy and bold, And we don’t mind the cold, 但我们坚强勇敢,不畏严寒,
  And we welcome the ice and the snow. 张开双臂把冰雪拥抱!
  Jack Frost plays a rough sort of game With the children wherever he goes; 霜先生不论见到哪里的孩子,都跟他们玩一种疼痛的游戏,
  He pinches their cheeks,  又拧脸蛋,
  Their noses he tweaks, 又掐鼻子,
  And he treads on their ten little toes. 还把十个小脚趾都踩上一记。
  Jack Frost makes the ground rather hard. 霜先生让地面冻得硬邦邦,
  But with thick boots we clatter about;  可我们穿上厚靴子,到处飞跑,
  And we run till our breath Puffs away like a wreath 跑到最后,我们的呼吸,
  Of white steam from the tea-kettle’s spout. 像壶嘴的白汽,变成圈圈直冒。
  Jack Frost lays his hand on the pond, 霜先生把手放在池塘水面,
  And turns it to glittering ice; 水面就变成冰面,闪闪发光;
  Then the skaters they glide, And the sliders they slide, 人们穿着冰鞋,踩着滑板,
  And the whole world is jolly and nice. 全世界欢声笑语,不停荡漾。
  Jack Frost—he is sure to be found Where the sleigh-bells are tinkling dear, 霜先生,哪里有铃儿叮当响,哪里就肯定能把他找到,
  As the horses, so strong, Canter gaily along, While the lads give a shout and a cheer 膘肥体壮的马儿,快活地一路奔来,小伙子们欢呼喊叫
  Jack Frost, you are welcome again; 霜先生,欢迎你再次光临,
  Of pleasures you bring us a store; 给我们带来无数的快乐
  But be mild as you can, O you fierce little man!  严厉的小个子,可尽量温和一点儿,
  When you visit the feeble and poor. 当你去穷苦人家里作客!